
Daza, Gaspar

Active 1537-1586

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Gaspar Daza 1586 M P0689

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Bourgeoisie Urban From a vihuelist's family

Years active Place active Century Region
1537-1586 Valladolid 16cent Castilla
Biographical information

Esteban Daza’s uncle
1st wife, María de Montefer died before 1545.
2nd wife, Jerónima de Aranda, died in 1569.
Maintained a close relationship with the family of his brother Tomás, and assumed a father-figure role after Tomás’ death.
He was a member of the Cofradía de la Misericordia

Related persons
Esteban Daza was his uncle
Tomás Daza was his brother
Gerónima de Aranda was his wife
María de Monteser was his wife

Source documents
Date Document
1537.12.10 Foundation of the Daza Chapel.
1563.08.14 1563.11.23 Gerónima de Aranda (1st wife of Gaspar Daza), will.
1586.03.13-19 Gaspar Daza, documents related to his death and inheritance.
1586.03.20 Gaspar Daza Maldonado, confirmation of his uncle's will and codicils made ​​in 1586.01.23.
1586.12.04 Gaspar Daza, probable date of death.
1586.12.08 Esteban Daza, renunciation and donation of the estate of his uncle Gaspar.
1586.12.10 Baltazar Daza, power of attorney.
1586.12.15-17 Gaspar Daza, 21 documents related to his death.
1587.01.19 Baltazar Daza, agreement with the monastery of San Benito el Real.
1587.02.12 Baltasar Daza, renewal letter of the perpetual annuity.
1544.02.12 Gaspar Daza, renewal of an annuity.
1545.03.14 Gaspar Daza, annuity.
1545.09.17 Gaspar Daza, beneficiary of doña María de León y Monteser.
1545.10.30 Gaspar and Tomás Daza, house rental.
1546.10.14 Gaspar Daza, frees Francisca a slave.
1549.12.31 Tomás Daza, purchase of an annuity.
1547.02.11 Gaspar Daza, statement of assets.
1556.02.10 Gaspar Daza, will.
1557.08.30 Transaction between Hernando de Avalos and his wife, María de Butrón y Rojas
1559.11.14 Gaspar Daza, will.
1569.10.03 The Monastery of Santa Clara, obligation against Gaspar Daza Daza and Dona Juana.
1569.10.03 Juana Daza, consentimiento from Francisco de Butrón.
1569.10.03 Gerónima Daza, renunciation of part of her inheritance
1572.02.27 Juana y María Daza, admission to the convent of Santa Clara.
1572.10.03 Gaspar Daza. Annuity with Francisco de Guevara, clergyman.
1572.10.20 Gaspar Daza and the duke of Béjar, various documents.
1574.12.13 Gaspar Daza, will and testament.
1575.02.11 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1574.12.13 (1).
1575.05.22 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1574.12.13 (2).
1576.05.09 Gaspar Daza, restitution of the mejora of his father.
1579.09.17 Gaspar Daza, 3rd will and testament.
1579.09.17-26 Daza Chapel, a series of documents.
1579.10.12 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (1).
1579.10.13 Gaspar Daza, document that forces Cristobal Aguilar Soto to pay each year for masses in S. Benito church.
1580.09.20 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the codicil of 1579.10.12.
1581.04.25 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (2).
1582.07.24 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (3).
1582.07.24 Gaspar Daza, power of attorney to his nephew Baltasar Daza.
1583.11.10 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (4) and to a codicil (1582.07.24).
1585.08.16 Gaspar Daza, codicil.
1585.09.01 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (6).
1586.01.14 Gaspar Daza, renunciation and donation.
1586.03.11 Gaspar Daza Maldonado, promises an annual salary to Melchior Daza.
1586.10.09 Jerónima Daza, donation letter.
1587.04.11 Gaspar Daza, documents referring to his properties.
1587.06.03 Esteban Daza, documents related with 1587.04.11.
1587.06.03 Gaspar Daza Maldonado, sale of his rent.
1587.12.28? Lawsuit between Calderon and Daza on the dowry of Jerónima Aranda.
1587.12.28 Gerónima de Aranda, inventory.
1595.12.21 Mariana de los Rios, receipt.
1598.10.26 Antonio Daza, death.
1611.12.10 Juana Daza de los Rios, receipt.
1624.03.26 History of the Daza chapel.
1658.08.20 Juan Daza Maldonado, property sale (2).
1724 Fundación de misas en S. Benito, 1427-1724.
1547.02.25 Gaspar Daza, financial arrangement with his brothers.
1547.05.02 Gaspar Daza, annuity.
1543.09.13 Gaspar Daza - padrino de Jeronimo Prieto.
1559.08.05 Ana de los Ríos, bill of sale and renunciation.
1569.10.03 Jerónimo de los Rios, redemption from annuity.
1569.10.03 Jerónimo de los Ríos, redemption of an annuity.
1569.11.15 Gerónima de Aranda, post-mortem inventory
1570.04.04 Gaspar Daza, annuity against the Duke of Béjar.
1575.05.26 Gaspar Daza, payment letter.
1579.10.17 Gaspar Daza, masses foundation in the Church of San Benito.
1579.10.17-26 Gaspar Daza, donation to the Church of San Benito.
1585.06/o/07? Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (5).
1585.09.30 1585.10.01 Gaspar Daza, three documents (bills).
1579.10.13 Gaspar Daza, on behalf of Cristóbal de Aguilar Soto
1586.01.29 Gaspar aza, sale and estabilishment of annuity.
1586.01.23 Codicil of the will of Gaspar Daza mentioned by Gaspar Daza Maldonado on 1586.03.20.
1586.04.30 Gaspar Daza, the Duke of Osuna reduces payment of the annuity.
1586.06.10 Gaspar Daza, letter of reduction [of annuity].
1598.10.18 Antonio Daza, death. Juan Buxedo witness.
1569.11.12 Jerónima de Aranda, acknowledgement of her death.
1587.06.08 Baltazar Daza, document related with the inheritance of Gaspar Daza.
1544.01.12 Gaspar Daza, power of attorney.
1995.05.04 Calle Fray Luis de León, nº 13.
1585.09.01 Gaspar Daza, codicil of the will, transcription.
1558.11.09 Gaspar Daza, administrator for Juana and Gerónima de los Ríos.
1540.07.23 Pedro de Monteser, Inventory.
1568.12.18 Francisco de Butrón, codicil
1586.10.08 Alvaro Daza de los Ríos, inventory.
1807.08.17 Daza´s chapel, masses.
1595-1600 El licenciado Baltasar Daza, document related to the heredity of Gaspar Daza.
1563.05.19 Tomás Daza, last will and testament

Ref Author Item Pages
griffiths2013-3 Griffiths, John. “Catorce hijos y una sola vihuela: la familia Daza de Valladolid”. Cuadernos de la música iberoamericana 25-26 (2013): 161-175.