
de los Ríos, Inés (1)

Active 1517-1540

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Inés (1) de los Ríos Valladolid 1543 F P0663

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
From a vihuelist's family

Years active Place active Century Region
1517-1540 16cent Castilla
Biographical information

Grandmother of Esteban Daza, founded the chapel in San Benito el Real in Valladolid in 1537 in memory of her late husband, el licenciado Esteban Daza.

Related persons
Esteban Daza was her grandmother
el licenciado Esteban Daza was her wife
Tomás Daza was her mother

Source documents
Date Document
1517 Gerónimo de los Ríos, foundation of a chaplaincy in San Benito el Real.
1535.11.23 Dowry payment to Tomás Daza.
1543.12.18 Tomás Daza, pays 9000 mrs to a girl raised in his miother’s house.
1547.02.11 Gaspar Daza, statement of assets.
1545.06.10 Tomás Daza, redemption of an annuity.
1576.05.09 Gaspar Daza, restitution of the mejora of his father.
1563.05.19 Tomás Daza, last will and testament
1553.07.10 Inés de los Ríos (3) - Will.
1543.10.02 Tomás Daza, payment.
1537.12.10 Foundation of the Daza Chapel.
1559.11.14 Gaspar Daza, will.
1563.08.16 Tomás Daza de los Ríos, renunciation of possessions
1569.10.03 The Monastery of Santa Clara, obligation against Gaspar Daza Daza and Dona Juana.
1572.02.27 Juana y María Daza, admission to the convent of Santa Clara.
1574.12.13 Gaspar Daza, will and testament.
1579.09.17 Gaspar Daza, 3rd will and testament.
1579.09.17-26 Daza Chapel, a series of documents.
1580.09.20 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the codicil of 1579.10.12.
1624.03.26 History of the Daza chapel.
1724 Fundación de misas en S. Benito, 1427-1724.
1807.08.17 Daza´s chapel, masses.
1556.02.10 Gaspar Daza, will.
1569.10.03 Juana Daza, consentimiento from Francisco de Butrón.
1569.10.03 Gerónima Daza, renunciation of part of her inheritance

Ref Author Item Pages
griffiths1995-1 Griffiths, John. “Esteban Daza: A gentleman musician in Renaissance Spain”. Early Music 23 (1995): 437-449.
griffiths2013-3 Griffiths, John. “Catorce hijos y una sola vihuela: la familia Daza de Valladolid”. Cuadernos de la música iberoamericana 25-26 (2013): 161-175.