
Daza, Francisco

Active 1535-1543

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Francisco Daza Salamanca 1538/ca M P0660

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Cleric Ecclesiastical Church From a vihuelist's family

Years active Place active Century Region
1535-1543 Salamanca 16cent/1/early Castilla
Biographical information

Francisco Daza, brother of el licenciado Esteban Daza, lived in Salamanca.
He was married to Isabel Rodríguez Nieto who died in 1543.
Their daughter, Juana Daza [Rodríguez] married Tomás Daza, mother of the vihuelist Esteban Daza.
Later in life, presumably after becoming a widower, he beame a racionero of the Cathedral in Salamanca. He died after 1538.

Related persons
Esteban Daza was his grandfather
el licenciado Esteban Daza was his brother
Tomás Daza was his father-in-law
Juana Daza was his father

Source documents
Date Document
1535.05.29-1535.11.23 Tomás Daza and doña Juana Rodríguez Daza. Dowry contract with Francisco Daza, the bride’s father
1578.05.26-30 1538.07.26 Tomás Daza, acknowledgement of the last payment of the dowry of Juana Daza (Doc. 9).
1578.05.27 Recognition of the donation of the legitima of Juana de los Rios, Maria Maldonado, Franc° Daza Daza and Tomás de los Rios and the absence of P º Daza (Doc. 3).
1578.05.26? Juana Daza, 14 documents related to the payment of her dowry.
1578.05.26-30 Francisco Daza, promise of payment of dowry, annuity and cash to Juana Daza (Doc. 7).
1578.05.26-30 Tomás and Juana Daza, payment of dowry from her father Francisco Daza (Doc. 8).
1535.11.23 Dowry payment to Tomás Daza.
1578.06.03 Francisco Daza, dowry for Juana Daza.
1578.05.26-30 Juana Daza, payment of her dowry following the death of her husband.
