
Emilio Pujol

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Emilio Pujol 1886 1980 M P0644

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Musician Professional Urban Polyphonist/Theorist Modern player (after 1900)

Years active Place active Century Region
20cent Cataluña
Biographical information

moved to Paris 1922
1926 began his historical investigations/ research
1927 - 6 December, first Parisian concert to include vihuela works, on guitar (p.136)
1928 started giving lecture recitals La guitarra y su historia in London, Paris, Barcelona, Buenos Aires
6 January 1936, Pujol discovers the vihuela in the Musée Jacquemart-André in Paris (p. 139)
7 April 1936, Pujol receives in Barcelona a gift from Miguel Simplicio, a copy of the J-A vihuela, for his 50th birthday.
23 April 1936, Pujol plays the vihuela in the Casal de Metge in Barcelona for delegates at the III Congress of the International Musicological Society. The first modern performance.
2 May 1936, viihuela concert in the Salle Erard in Paris. Works by all seven vihuelistas, with soprano Conchita Badía (1897-1975)
6 May 1936, Paris, Instituto de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad, Lecture by Joaquín Rodrigo on the vihuelistas. Illustration by Emilio Pujol (Vihuela) and Conchita Badía (voice)
14 June 1936, Paris, Instituto de Estudios Hispánicos de la Universidad, III centenary of the death of Lope de Vega. Lecture by Paul Valery Recital of poems and música of the period of Lope de Vega , with Emilio Pujol (Vihuela)
15 June 1938. London, Arts Theatre. Lecture recital by Pujol “La vihuela y los vihuelistas del siglo xvi” With the collaboration of Encarnación López, La Argentinita, and Bertram Harrison on the clavichord. (p. 138)
28 January 1941, Madrid. Presentation of the vihuela en Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Lecture recital. (p.141)
10 January 1942, Barcelona, Palau de la música Catalana, Vihuela and renaissance songs with the collaboration of singer Carmen Alonso and vocal ensemble of Maestro Pich Santasusana.
January 1945, The city council of Barcelona instaura a course “Vihuela histórica y su literatura directed by Pujol en the Conservatorio Superior de Música.
The Instituto Español de Musicología publishes Pujol’s edition of Narváez.
9 January 1947. Lisbon. Biblioteca del Conservatorio. The vihuela is heard for the first time in Portugal (p. 143). with Maria Adelaide Robert
1953 commences participation in Siena courses at the invitation of Segovia.
1955 began the class of Vihuela and Baroque guitar at the Accademia Chigiana in Siena.
9 September 1958. First student recital at the Accademia Chigiana of vihuela solo and vihuela and voice. (p. 147)
1965 first of Pujol’s course in guitar, lute and vihuela in Lérida. (p. 148)

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