

Active 1525-1529

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Caronçillo M P0625

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Musician Professional Court - noble Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1525-1529 16cent
Biographical information

This vihuelist is mentioned by Francesillo de Zúñiga in his Chronicle of the early life of Charles V, as one of a group of people in a besieged city required to bring provisions. (see Documents). The date of the chronicle thus indicates Caroncillo to have been active in the 1520s. The only other vihuelist mentioned in the chronicle is Luis de Guzmán, so it should be assumed that, despite his someewhat mythological name, he wasa real musician and not just a fictitious creation.

In Francessilo’s chronicle, the Duke of Nájera (Antonio Manrique de Lara y Castro, 1515-1535) requested his brother, don Luys Manríque, to send “Luys Caraço, secretario de Su Magestad, y al comendador de Piedrabuena, y a La Trullera y a Caronçillo, tañedor de vigüela” to bring much oil and honey and a purgative compound [jirapliega] and mallows as might be necessary for the sick, and that these gentlemen were chosen because they looked like bits of skinny dried beef, should serve as enemas to purge those who were sick, and that the said Don Luys Manrique should look and feel like a mohair balaclava or dead Moorish skin.

Caroncillo is possibly a nickname. It is probably a diminuitive, but of what? Pepe Rey relates that Carón is the name given to Caronte by Alfonso de Valdés (see: Alfonso de Valdés, Diálogo de Mercurio y Carón, ed. Joseph V. Ricapito. Clásicos Castalia 197. Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1993). — [Personal correspondence 26 October 2009]. We have no further clues concerning his identity

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1525-1529 Francesillo de Zúñiga, Historia del muy noble y esforzado caballero, el Conde Francés de Zúñiga

Ref Author Item Pages
reyp1997 Rey, Pepe. “Nominalia: instrumentos musicales en la literatura española desde La Celestina (1499) hasta El Criticón (1651)”. Los instrumentos musicales en el siglo XVI. Proceedings of the I Encuentro Tomás Luis de Victoria y la música española del siglo XVI (Avila, May 1993). Avila: Fundación Cultural Sta. Teresa, 1997. 41-100.
zuniga1529 Zúñiga, Francesillo de. Historia del muy noble y esforzado caballero, el Conde Francés de Zúñiga. E-Mn MSS 7392 [= Crónica burlesca del emperador Carlos V], bdh0000145376,
zuniga1989 Zúñiga, Don Francés de. Crónica burlesca del emperador Carlos V . Ed. José Antonio Sánchez Paso. Acta Salimanticensia 64. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 1989.