
Gasco, Andres

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Andres Gasco Seville 1566 M P0604

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
harp guitar guitarra arpa clavicordio vihuela de mano discante Cleric Ecclesiastical Church

Years active Place active Century Region
Seville? 16cent/2/mid Andalucia
Biographical information

Inquisitor. Colleague of Mudarra in Seville.
dadson2006, p. 99, quoting from wagner1979, p. 174: in his inventory it shows he had “a harpsichord, a clavichord, a large six-stringed vihuela, a guitar, a harp, two discantes (a type of small guitar), one of five, the other of six strings.”

Related persons
Alonso Mudarra was his colleague

Source documents
Date Document
1566 Andres Gasco, Inventory.

Ref Author Item Pages
dadson2006 Dadson, Trevor. “Music Books and Instruments in Spanish Golden-Age Inventories: The Case of Don Juan de Borja (1607)”. Early Music Printing and Publishing in The Iberian World. Ed. Iain Fenlon and Tess Knighton. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2006. 95-116. 99
wagner1979 Wagner, Klaus. “Lecturas y otras aficiones del inquisidor Andrés Gasco (†1566)”. Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia 176 (1979): 149-181. 174