
Jiménez, Juan

Active 1597-1629

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Juan Jiménez 1597 1629 M P0580

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Violero Artisan Urban Maker Maker (violero) Violero (inst maker)

Years active Place active Century Region
1597-1629 Alcalá la Real (Jaén), Sevilla 16cent/3/late Andalucia
Biographical information

Named by Jiménez Cavallé [jimenezcavalleJ, p. 64] without any source information.
• 1597 Lived in Alcalá la Real (Jaén) according to romanillos2002 197, quoting jimenezcavalleJ.
• 1610 Sevilla. A violero Juan Jiménez is reported not able to sign his name in 1610, but is able to do so in 1629 - bejarano2012, 47, quoting from camino1995.
• 1629 Sevilla. March 3. Takes on Juan Rodríguez as his apprentice for two years. him. bejarano2013-1, 521
• 1629 Sevilla. Juan Rodríguez sued him and was awarded 250 reales compensation. bejarano2012, 47; bejarano2013-1, 521

Do these references all relate to the same person?

Related persons
Juan (2) Rodríguez was his apprentice

Source documents
Date Document
1629.03.03 Juan Rodríguez, apprenticed to Juan Jiménez, violero.
1629.07.25 Juan Rodríguez, apprentice, sues Juan Jiménez, violero.

Ref Author Item Pages
bejarano2012 Bejarano Pellicer, Clara. “Los músicos sevillanos a través de sus firmas (1570-1650).” Historia, instituciones, documentos 39 (2012): 39-63. 47
bejarano2013-1 Bejarano Pellicer, Clara. El mercado de la música en la Sevilla del Siglo de Oro. Seville: Universidad de Sevilla, Fundación Focus-Abengoa, 2013. 521
jimenezcavalleJ Jiménez Cavallé, Pedro. La Música en Jaén. Jaén: Diputación Provincial de Jaén, 1991.
romanillos2002 Romanillos, José Luis and Marian Harris Winspear. The Vihuela de mano and the Spanish Guitar: A Dictionary of the Makers of Plucked and Bowed Musical Instruments of Spain (1200-2002). Guijosa (Guadalajara): Sanguino Press, 2002. 197