
Polanco, Juan de

Active 1568-1618

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Juan de Polanco M P0559

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Violero Artisan Urban Violero (inst maker)

Years active Place active Century Region
1568-1618 Madrid 16cent/1/early Castilla
Biographical information

romanillos2002, pp. 308-09:
c. 1568 - Juan de Polanco born in Retortillo (Soria), son of Domingo Polanco (Aguacil Mayor or Retortillo) and María. They lived in a house next to the church.
Juan de Polanco moved to Madrid and became a violero (see Expediente de limpieza de sangre)
1592 - 25 Oct. Birth of his daughter Francisca from his marriage to Juana Díez (b. San Sebastián de los Reyes)
1594 witnessed a document for Pablo de Carrança signing as Juan Núñez Polanco
1590s? Juan Núñez Polanco had his shop closed as he had not been examined in all of the necessary instruments.
1602 - examined for a “Violon a imitación de los extranjeros” by Juan de Rojas Carrión and allowed to reopen his shop.
1603, 29 October. His daughter Úrsula was born.
1607, 3 December. Elected chief overseer of the Madrid guildand supervised Pablo de Herrera in the construction of a double harp for examination but did not sign the document as he was illiterate [Appendix 7]
1607 - elected as an overseer of the guild for 1608 at the meeting held in the house of Alonso González in calle Toledo.
1610, 9 May. His daughter Francisca married violero Antonio Hidalgo
1610 - he was one of the examiners of Antonio Hidalgo
1611 attended a meeting with Juan de Rojas Carrión and Antonio Hidalgo that the other violeros had declined to attend.
1612 elected in 1611 as an examiner for that year.
1613, 18 February. His daughter María married Juan Rodríguez, son of Gregorio Rodríguez and María Jiménez.
1614 28 Sept birth of Harpist composer Juan Hidalgo de Polanco, his grandson.
1618, 10 August. Died, having made his will with the notary Juan de Porres and named his executors as his wife Juana Díez and Antonio Hidalgo. Buried in the church of San Felipe.
1619, 22 Sept. His daughter Úrsula married Francisco de León and confirmed their marriage vows on 17 November 1619

Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
romanillos2002 Romanillos, José Luis and Marian Harris Winspear. The Vihuela de mano and the Spanish Guitar: A Dictionary of the Makers of Plucked and Bowed Musical Instruments of Spain (1200-2002). Guijosa (Guadalajara): Sanguino Press, 2002. 308-09