
Gonzales, Juan

Active 1605

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Juan Gonzales M P0534

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Violero Artisan Urban Maker Maker (violero)

Years active Place active Century Region
1605 Cádiz 17cent/1/early Andalucia
Biographical information

romanillos2002, p. 152. “A violero in Cádiz in 1605” [AHMCP, 1605, L. 1001, fol 3. Bib: José Blas Vega y Manuel Ríos Ruiz, Diccionario enciclopésico ilustrado del flamenco , vol 1, (Madrid: Editorial Cinterco, 1988).

Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
romanillos2002 Romanillos, José Luis and Marian Harris Winspear. The Vihuela de mano and the Spanish Guitar: A Dictionary of the Makers of Plucked and Bowed Musical Instruments of Spain (1200-2002). Guijosa (Guadalajara): Sanguino Press, 2002. 152