romanillos2002, p. 22: “Tomás Armengol had his house/workshop in calle Jueus, Palma de Mallorca. He repaired instruments and made citterns, guitars, guitarrones, lutes, viols and violins. He was married to Joana Farrer, and died without descendents. His workshop was left to his sister Praxedis Armengol. The inventory of his goods and workshop was done by the notary Antoni Socies in 1591, and his belongings were auctioned in May and June of that year. Many of the instruments, strings and several tools were bought by Joan Farrer.(1) [see Appendix No. 16].”
Romanillos’ information comes from (1) Joan Parets i Serra, “Documents per la Historia de la Música a Mallorca” Bolletí de la Societat Arqueológica Lulliana 54 (1998): pp? and Gran Enciclopédia de Mallorca (Palma de Mallorca: Promallorca Edicións, 1989-98).