
Hidalgo, Antonio

Active 1585-1660

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Antonio Hidalgo Moraleja la Mayor 1585 Madrid 1660 M P0502

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
guitarra vihuela de mano Violero Artisan Urban Maker Maker (violero) Violero (inst maker)

Years active Place active Century Region
1585-1660 Madrid 17cent/1/early Castilla
Biographical information

romanillos2002, p. xxvii: “In 1610 Antonio Hidalgo was examined on a six-course vihuela seven years before the violeros of Toledo drafted their Ordinances for the six-course vihuela.”
romanillos2002, pp.186-187:
1585, 12 Sept. Born in Moraleja la Mayor, Madrid. son of Diego Hidalgo and Isabel Hidalgo.
1610, 9 May, married Francisca de Polanco (b. Madrid 25-10-1592)
1610 - examined by Pablo de Herrera and Juan de Polanco to became a master violero
1611 - elected chief overseer by the guuild in Madrid for 1612. He did not sign as he was illiterate.
1612, 29 July. His daughter Antonia was born
1614, 28 Sept. Son Juan was born. Godparents: his parents-in-law, violero Juan de Polanco and Juana Díaz
1615 - made a large double harp for Juan de San Martín, harpist in the Capilla Real, valued at 500 reales. Described as: una arpa grande, de dos ordenes, de alamo blanco, perfilada de hebano y marphil de a tres, con cinco viriles en los lazos, con moldaduras de hebano que la hizo Antonio Hidalgo violero.
1616. Sold another double harp for the use of the Chapel Royal harpist Lope Machado valued at 600 reales. Described as: “un arpa de alamo blanco y nogal perphilada de hebano de a tres, con cinco lazos en el arca y por señal en la buelta unos castillos y leones y aguilas imperiales, todo de hebano… con moldaduras de hebano en los cantos y es la que hizo de nuevo Antonio Hidalgo violero.”
1617. 12 May. Son José born
1619. 16 June. Daughter Manuela born
1619 - one of the guild officers who gave permission for Francisco de Lipuste to sell a vihuela strung as a guitar. [Appendix 10]
1621, 26 Sept. Son Frnacisco born.
1623. “Maestro de açer guitarras” Antonio Hidalgo had a house with a pidgeon loft in the calle Jesús y María, parish of San Sebastián, Madrid, leading to the Fuente del Pioxo
1624, 31 March. Son José born
1626,19 March. Son Antonio born
1629, 9 Oct. son Mateo born.
1638, living with his family at bajada de San Gines.
1648, 14 December. Antonio Hidalgo and his wife Francisca make their will.
1657, 17 December. Francisca died in /calle de los Bordadores.
1660, 15 December. Antonio died at the houses of Sebastián González de la Puebla in calle de Leganitos. His son Juan Hidalgo de Polanco, composer and harpist, collaborated with Calderón de la Barca for several operas.

Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
romanillos2002 Romanillos, José Luis and Marian Harris Winspear. The Vihuela de mano and the Spanish Guitar: A Dictionary of the Makers of Plucked and Bowed Musical Instruments of Spain (1200-2002). Guijosa (Guadalajara): Sanguino Press, 2002. xxvii, 186-187