
Valentueña, Rodrigo

Active 1480.11.25

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Rodrigo Valentueña M P0447

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela de mano Merchant Mercantile Urban Instrumentalist (plucked) Owned a vihuela

Years active Place active Century Region
1480.11.25 Zaragoza 15cent/3/late Aragon
Biographical information

It is likely that it was Rodrigo rather than his wife who was the owner of the broken vihuela listed in the inventory of his belongings
Mercader y marido de María Villanueva a quién pertencía una vihuela. Véase la ficha de ella y el Inventario de los bienes de María Villanueva

Inventario de los bienes de María Villanueva (cuaderno aparte), Escribano Cristóbal Aínsa

Related persons
María Villabuena was his wife
