Giacomo da San Secondo cited by Prizer as both a lutenist and a player of the viola (prizer1980-1, 13-14). Minamino expands upon this saying: “In the Cortegiano Castiglione singled out a ‘Iacomo Sansecondo’ and praised his skill in singing with the viola (‘cantar alla viola’). This musician is identical with Giacomo di Tessoni da San Secondo, who was active as aplayer of the ‘viola’ in Ferrara, Milan, Mantua, Urbino and Parma between 1493 and 1525.(67) San Secondo may have ben the model for the Apollo who plays the lira da braccio in Raphael’s Parnassus.(68) Castiglione heard San Secondo perform in Urbino in 1506. (69) An iconographical manifestation of San Secondo’s style of singing may have been found in an engraving of a renowned improvvisatori, Giovanni Filoteo Achillini (1466-1538), made about 1510 by Marcantonio Raimondi.(70) (minamino2004-2, 1880
Notes: (67) prizer1980-1, 13-14 • (68) suggested in Winternitz, Musical instruments, 47, also 200-201 • (69) prizer1980-1, 14. • (70) Reproduced in G. Kinsky Album Musical (1930), 97, pl. 5