
Juana [doña] daughter of Carlos V

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Juana [doña] daughter of Carlos V F P0412

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela de arco laúd Royalty Court - royal

Years active Place active Century Region
16cent/2/mid Castilla
Biographical information

Became queen of Portugal. Rey asserts that she had a better musical training than Felipe II.
Her inventory had 4 lutes, including one of 8 courses, another of 10 courses, but no vihuela. She played vihuela de arco in the 1564 “Invenciones”

Related persons
Isabel de Valois was her sister-in-law

Source documents
Date Document
1573 Inventory of the belongings of the princess Juana de Austria.
1564 “Invención at the court in Madrid
1559.03.09 Inventory of the estate of María de Hungría.
