
Gómez Dávila y Toledo (2nd Marqués de Velada), Gonzalo

Active 1596

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Gonzalo Gómez Dávila y Toledo (2nd Marqués de Velada) 1541 1616 M P0290

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela guitar guitarra monacordio / monocordio vihuela de mano clavicordio monacordio Nobility Court - royal Patron Owned a vihuela

Years active Place active Century Region
1596 Madrid 16cent/3/late Castilla
Biographical information

Gonzalo Gómez Dávila y Toledo, 2nd Marqués de Velada, was a man of noted erudition who spent most of his life at court, as a tutor employed by Felipe II and charged with the education of Felipe III. He amassed a large library that has been discussed in numerous contemporary studies.

His birth and death dates are based on information from (accessed 16/04/2014).

Kenyon (kenyon1996), p. 198: “In 1596, for example, the Marqués de Velada left an old clavichord, a vihuela and a guitar. “una vihuela y una guitarra en sus cajas”.
martinezh1999 gives much detail about the Marqués and his life and points out that the 1596 inventory was made on the death of his second wife, Ana de Toledo y Colonna.
AHPM, prot, leg 1810, fol. 1334.

A seemingly reliable biography of the Marqués is available at (accessed 17/04/2014)

We assume that as the owner of a vihuela that he also played the instrument but this has not been established categorically.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1596 Inventory of Marqués de Velada.

Ref Author Item Pages
kenyon1996 Kenyon de Pascual, Beryl. “Two 16th-century Spanish Inventories” Galpin Society Journal 49 (1996): 198-203. 198
martinezh1999 Martínez Hernández, Santiago. “Semblanza de un cortesano instruido: El Marqués de Velada, ayo del Príncipe Felipe (III), y su biblioteca”.Cuadernos de historia moderna. 22 (1999): 53-78.