
Portillo, Diego de

Active 1555-1608

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Diego de Portillo [Toledo] 1550 [Toledo] 1608 d. de M P0282

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Violero Artisan Urban Maker Maker (violero) Violero (inst maker)

Years active Place active Century Region
1555-1608 Toledo 16cent/3/late Castilla
Biographical information

reynaudPT, p. 404: Active in the last two decades of the 16th century. He was son of Diego de Portillo and María Tofino, she herself of a family of violeros, and after the death of her husband she married Mateo de Arratia, proof of the alliances within the guild. In 1580 Diego takes on an apprentice named Gaspar Martín for seven years at the end of which the boy ought to know the trade. On the death of his parents, Diego leaves to Mateo de Arratia, his stepfather the inheritance from his mother “contre” 250 reales (8500 mrs) In 1597 he remarried Ana de San Miguel, receiving a dowry of 93750 mrs, in cash, a house, clothing and jewellery. Quite an amount. Before the marriage he was obliged to distribute the belongings of his first wife among his children. In 1608 he rents a house from the Hospital de San Nuncio for 8000 mrs/yr and a pair of chickens.
• griffiths2004-2: Un instrumento de Diego de Portillo figura en el inventario (1580) del Conde de Salinas y Ribadeo en Valladolid.
• romanillos2002, p. 311: In 1575 he declared himself 25 years old. At the end of Gaspar Martín’s apprenticeship he had to give him clothing including a lined cloakand smock in black material costing no less than 24 reales a yard, a doublet of Dutch linen, two linen shirts, a cap, shoes and a girdle (fin del dicho tiempo de mas de los vestidos que a la saçon tuviere un vestido de nuevo de una capa e un sayo de paño negro de a veinte e quatro reales afolladas e un xobun de olanda e dos camisas de buen lienço e una gorra e çapatos e talabardo e todo nuevo).

Related persons
Diego de Portillo was his father

Source documents
Date Document
1575.06.20 María de Tofiño, will.
1580.05.31 Rodrigo Sarmiento de la Cerda y Villandrando, IV Conde de Salinas, Inventory.

Ref Author Item Pages
griffiths2004-2 Griffiths, John. “La vihuela en la época de Felipe II”. Políticas y Prácticas musicales en el mundo de Felipe II. Ed. J. Griffiths and J. Suárez-Pajares. Madrid: Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales, 2004. 415-48. 415-48
reynaudPT Reynaud, François. La Polyphonie tolédane et son milieu des premiers témoignages aux environs de 1600. Paris: CNRS, 1996. 404
romanillos2002 Romanillos, José Luis and Marian Harris Winspear. The Vihuela de mano and the Spanish Guitar: A Dictionary of the Makers of Plucked and Bowed Musical Instruments of Spain (1200-2002). Guijosa (Guadalajara): Sanguino Press, 2002. 311