Rodrigo de Ayllón (1) is the first of two violeros of that name. Based on Reynaud (reynaudPT), Romanillos and Harris report that “Rodrigo de Ayllón was active in Toledo between 1525 and 1542. In 1525 he had a short-lived partnership with the violero Juan de Guadalupe and in 1535 he appeared as paying taxes on wood.” (romanillos2002, 27)
The actual documentary evidence is:
• 1525 Rodrigo appears in the records “pour une association de courte durée avec Johan de Guadalupe. AHPT 1284, fol 19. November 1525.
• 1535 R. de Ayllón is taxed (alcabala) on the amount of wood he bought = 238 mrs. AHPT, 1371, fol 253v. (reynaudPT 410)
• 1543 ca - He ceased production, believed to have gone mad. His guardian (curador), violero Francisco Tofino, and his wife Isabel Ruiz paid 6 ducados (2250 mrs) to pay off the rent he owed on the lease of his workshop, lent by the Capilla de San Pedro. L’argent servira à payer les loyer en retard.” [OF 1121, fol 285, 1542.05.22. [All from ReynaudPT 401]