reynaudPT, p. 400: One of four violeros listed in Relación de los vecinos que parece que ay enla ciudad de Toledo en este presente año de 1561.
Reynaud 402: Son of violero Diego de Medina. Violero and Musician. Played with sufficient ability to allow him to teach “doze sones”, ie the gamma completa “à un menuisier en échange de la confection d’un coffre”. On what instrument is not indicated [AHPT 1399, f 557, 1535.09.24] • Owned a house which he rented in the parish of San Yuste 1542.06.13 for 4687mrs/yr [AHPT 1452, f 684v] • 1552.05.13 sold a horse, “mais endetté, faire encaisser l’argent par un créancier” [ AHPT 1479, f 299] • It was probably he, given that his first name does not appear again who died? [fait faillie] in 1554, his shop, whose location? [l’emplacment] is unfortunetely left blanc in the document, being put up for rent by the chapter to the bank? [étant mise par le chapitre en location au banc] for a sum of 1200 mrs y un par de gallinas [OF 1123, fol 112v, 1554.05.16
• romanillos2002, p. 243 summarises Reynaud