
Fernando el Católico

Active 1500/ca

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Fernando el Católico M P0242

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vihuela Royalty

Years active Place active Century Region
1500/ca 15cent/3/late 16cent/1/early Aragon Castilla
Biographical information

“Yesterday his highness rose early and, having prayed, went to church and stayed for the whole service, after which he ate and then rested a little, reading. As usual his highness went hunting and killed two kites. This morning his highness attended Mass in the church, as usual after eating there was vihuela music, after which he went to Vespers.” E-Mah (=Archivo Histórico) Colección Salazar y Castro A11, fol. 301. Trans T. Knighton. Quoted in knighton1989. Knighton comments that there is evidence to suggest that música de vihuela might indicate songs with vihuela accompaniment as well as purely instrumental music.

E-Mah = AHN

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Source documents
Date Document
15cent/3/late Códice de Fernando el Católico.
1532 Catálogo real.
1501 Secretarial correspondence (Fernando el Católico)

Ref Author Item Pages
knighton1989 Knighton, Tess. “The Spanish Court of Ferdinand and Isabella.” The Renaissance: from the 1470s to the end of the 16th century. Ed. Iain Fenlon. Man & music, 2. London: Macmillan, 1989. 341-60.