
Carranza, Pablo de

Active 1577-1608

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Pablo de Carranza M P0193

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
guitarra vihuela Violero Artisan Urban Maker Maker (violero)

Years active Place active Century Region
1577-1608 Madrid 16cent/3/late Castilla
Biographical information

• (bordas1995, p. 53) Uno de los violeros que propugnaban la reforma de los exámenes de violeros de 1584 [AHPM Prot. leg. 863, fols 467-68.1584.06.21]
• (romanillos2002, pp. 64-65) Present at guild meeting of Madrid violeros in 1577 and 1578.
1584 - one of the violeros who were behind the reforms of the examinations of the guild, together with his brother Cristóbal
1586 - “acuerdo sobre unas casas” in Calle mayor Madrid
1587 - Guild overseer, and present at guild meeting to change some of the Ordinances [see Cristóbal Bejerano]
1591 - paid 100 reales for two guitars made for the Prince [Felipe III] The sides of the two guitars were of ebony, one had the back made of ebony strips, the other of ebony and boxwood. “a Pablo de Carrança 100 Reales que balen tres mill t quatro cientos maravedies rs por dos Guitarras nuebas que hizo para el Principe Nuestro Señor . Los lados de evano y el suelo de la una de evano de costillas y el suelo de lo otra de evano y vox. Encordadas y entrastadas con sus lazos.” [pp 64-5]
1592 - owned house in Calle mayor madrid
1594 - second marriage to the widow María Gutierrez de Montesinos. Carta de Dote includes guitars, tools, wood and other related accessories valued a 100 ducados
1567- wrote testamento. Names Francisca Sánchez as his first wife, and four daughters by her: Ana María de las Mercedes, Gerónima, Francisca and Augstina.
1602 - named as executor of the will of violero Francisco de Salinas
1607 - present at aguild meeting in the house of Alonso González to elect overseers for 1608
1608 - further will and codicil, naming third wife, Lucía de la Querda, and another daughter, María.


Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
bordas1995 Bordas, Cristina. “La construcción de vihuelas y guitarras en Madrid en los siglos XVI y XVII”. La guitarra en la historia 6 (1995): 47-67. 53
romanillos2002 Romanillos, José Luis and Marian Harris Winspear. The Vihuela de mano and the Spanish Guitar: A Dictionary of the Makers of Plucked and Bowed Musical Instruments of Spain (1200-2002). Guijosa (Guadalajara): Sanguino Press, 2002. 64-65