
Herrera, Pablo de

Active 1589-1634

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Pablo de Herrera M P0187

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
violón vihuela Violero Artisan Urban Maker Maker (violero) Violero (inst maker)

Years active Place active Century Region
1589-1634 Madrid Toledo 16cent/3/late Castilla
Biographical information

• bordas1995, p. 51. Este constructor de vihuelas de procedencia sevillana se encuentra en Madrid después que Felipe II hizo Madrid capital del reino. Bordás menciona que muchos otros se trasladaron desde Toledo. Durante 1578 y 1600, se conocen los nombres de al menos 16 violeros, en fechas en que la población de Madrid crece de 40000 a 70000 habitantes. Mucha documentación se encuentra relacionada con los exámenes de violeros y disputas entre ellos.
• reynaudPT p. 406: 1589.07.14 [AHPT 1602, fol 1508v] This violero from Sevilla is employed for six months in Toledo by Mateo de Arratia. To be paid in cash and in kind: “en échange du gîte, du couvert, de l’entretien de son linge et d’un salaire fixe de 782 mrs par mois ? L’employer s’engage à acquitter en plus une dette de 3740 mrs contractée par cet oficial lors de l’achat de 4,75 varas de tissu veynteno. L’ouvrier s’engage à ne pas s’absenter pendant toute la durée du contrat”. • reynaudPT, p. 410. 1597.02.26 [AHPT 2227, f 361] Herrera buys from the Genovese merchant and his associate Paulo Baba 100 packets of vihuela strings made in Rome for 35200 mrs.
• Beryl Kenyon de Pascual, private communication 1998. “Mazos de cuerdas de vihuela” 1609.1.17. AHPM Protocolos, leg 2728, fol. 27.
• romanillos2002, pp. 183-85.
- born Sevilla
- 1589 made a ten month contract with Mateo de Arratía in Toledo to work as a journeyman for board, lodging and 782 mrs (=23 reales) per month. Mateo de Arratía took over a debt of 3740 mrs that Pablo de Herrera had outstanding.
- 1597 - bought 100 knots of vihuela strings (cien maços de cuerdas de viguela de Roma) from Italian dealers for 35,200 mrs. Paid half on signing, the other half due in 3 months.
-1607. bought guitars in Madrid from María de Concepción for a total of 200 reales, paid in four instalments.
-1607. examined by Juan de Rojas Carrión and Alonso González for a harp as he had already been examined for a vihuela and violón. The following day he was given his certificate by the chief overseer Juan de Polanco [Appendix 7]
-1607. present at a meeting to elect guild examiners and overseers for 1608 at Alonso González’s house in calle Toledo. He was elected an examiner.
-1609. Pablo de Herrera bought 50 knots of vihuela strings form Italian dealer Andrea Carminati for 850 reales. He had to pay 150 reales at the end of January and then 100 per month until discharging the debt.
-1609. took on apprentice Antonio Hernández, aged c. 16, son of Antonio [Hernández] Espesso and his wife María Freyla, for 4 years [Appendix 2]
-1610. One of the examiners of Antonio Hidalgo.
-1611. Stood bail for Mateo Ruiz de San Pablo
-1613. Settled his differences with Antonio [Hernández] Espesso. The boy’s apprenticeship had to be extended for four months to compensate extra expenses in bringing him back from absenses in Alcalá and Toledo.
-1613. Had to pay Rafael Romena 3676 reales for 196 gross of strings (cuerdasde flornecia de lorenço)
-1614. 1 Jan. Nominated as offical violero to Felipe II, but without salary or housing. (fue recebido por violero de S. M. en 1 de enero de 1614 años, sin gajes ni casa de aposento.)
-1616. Ordered silver candelabras and other items from silversmith Ignacio Martínez valued at 640.5 reales (reales de plata doble de pesso usual y corriente), giving his house in calle Carretas (Madrid) as surety.
-1617. Borrowed 1000 reales for two months from Gregorio Laçarraga.
-1622. Named as official violero to the Queen on 24 March (biolero de la Reyna)
-1622. Made a will: Testament of Pablo de Herrera. Archivo Historico de Protocolos, Madrid. Protocol° 2740, folio 520, 7 July 1622. cited in Romanillos 1987 and not in the Dictionary.
-1624. His first wife, Alfonsa de la Paz makes her will and appears to have had three daughters Francisca, María and Manuela. Francisca was married to violero Manuel de Vega.
-1626, during a potentially fatal illness, he requested the King the position of “escudero de apie”to make up for not having received perquisites or emoluments during his 13 years of royal service, in order to help his wife and children.
-1626, 22 July. Ana de San Juan drew up her dowry in preparation to marriage with Pablo de Herrera. At the time, his assets were valued at 2939 reales with debts of 1235 reales, incluing a debt of 135 reales to Andrea Carminati.
-1631, 31 March. Ana de San Juan died, making her will the same day.
-1631. Pablo de Herrera rented a house to Diego de Persia.
-1632, Unsed his house in calle Carretas as surety against another loan for 200 reales
-1633. Took on orphan Francisco Demoscosso as his apprentice for 6 years, promising him 300 reales of clothing at the end of the period.
-1634, 10 October made his will.
-1634, 9 December - died.

Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
bordas1995 Bordas, Cristina. “La construcción de vihuelas y guitarras en Madrid en los siglos XVI y XVII”. La guitarra en la historia 6 (1995): 47-67. 47-67
perezaparicio2019 Pérez Aparicio, José Miguel. “Los violeros y guitarreros españoles de los siglos XVII y XVIII: una comparación.” Roseta, no 14 (2019): 6-19. 15
reynaudPT Reynaud, François. La Polyphonie tolédane et son milieu des premiers témoignages aux environs de 1600. Paris: CNRS, 1996. 406, 410
romanillos1987 Romanillos, Jose Luis. “The vihuela in Spain and the instrument in the Jacquemart André Museum”. Classical Guitar 5, no. 7 (1987): 39-42. 39-42
romanillos2002 Romanillos, José Luis and Marian Harris Winspear. The Vihuela de mano and the Spanish Guitar: A Dictionary of the Makers of Plucked and Bowed Musical Instruments of Spain (1200-2002). Guijosa (Guadalajara): Sanguino Press, 2002. 183-85