
Alvarez de Chález, Pedro

Active 1467

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Pedro Alvarez de Chález Zaragoza 1467 M P0174

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Owned a vihuela

Years active Place active Century Region
1467 Zaragoza 15cent/3/late Aragon
Biographical information

The inventory of his possessions included “una vihuela escaqueada” and a “bombardeta". Alvarez de Chález had a debt to lute maker Juce Albariel at the time of his death. This suggests the possibility that the vihuela may have been the work of Juce Albariel.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1466.10.31 Juce Albariel, debt
1467.05.26 Pedro Alvarez de Chález, inventory.

Ref Author Item Pages
pallares1993 Pallarés Jiménez, Miguel Angel. “Aportación documental para la historia de la música en Aragón en el último tercio del siglo XV” (Part 5). Nassarre 9-1 (1993): 227-310. Doc. 47
schöner1999 Schöner, Oliver. Die Vihuela de mano im Spanien des 16. Jahrhunderts. Europäsiche Hochschulenschriften, vol 198. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1999. 99