
Palencia, Juan de

Active 1405

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Juan de Palencia M P0151

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
lute laúd guitarra Musician Professional Court - royal Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1405 15cent/1/early Castilla Navarra
Biographical information

gomez1992-2, p. 585: Gittern player to Enrique III de Castilla, who visited the court of Navarra in February 1405 in the company of Hans de Loge (=Liège?). • Source document: “A Hans de Loge et Johan de Palentia, menestrers del rey de Castilla nuestro sobrino, el uno de guitarra et el otro de laut… seis florines” menendezpidalPJ, p. 293 cited in schöner1999, p. 75. Paid 1405.02.05. Schöner states that they were in the service of Juan II of Castille.

Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
gomez1992-2 Gómez Muntané, Maricarmen. “Some precursors of the Spanish lute school”. Early Music 20 (1992): 583-593. 585
menendezpidal1924 Ménendez Pidal, Ramón. Poesía juglaresca. Madrid: Publicaciones de la Revista de Filología Española 8, 1924. 293
schöner1999 Schöner, Oliver. Die Vihuela de mano im Spanien des 16. Jahrhunderts. Europäsiche Hochschulenschriften, vol 198. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1999. 75