
Donaire, Rodrigo

Active 1489-1516

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Rodrigo Donaire M P0146

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vihuela Musician Professional Instrumentalist (strings unspecified)

Years active Place active Century Region
1489-1516 Castilla 15cent/3/late Castilla
Biographical information

knighton1992, pp. 574-76: Pagado como "tañedor de vihuela" en la Casa de Castilla durante los años 1489-1500. También cantante. Donaire apparently also taught? her children. •
Correspondence of Conde de Tendilla. Letter to don Iñigo Manrique (11 April 1513) “I brought Rodrigo donaire, as your Honour agreed, and now, because of Galiano’s refusal I have taken on another instrumentalist who is also a servant of Don Diego Hernández: if he has one tiple I have three others exceptional for songs and more. (knighton1989, p. 345) from E. Meneses García (ed.), Correspondencia del Conde de Tendilla, Madrid, 1973-75, vol 2, 230. • 1493 Among “Oficiales de la casa” Rodrigo Donayre “tañedor de vihuela de arco” with a salary of 30,000 mrs/yr (Anglés/RC, I, 68) • 1495 Among “Oficiales de la casa” of Isabel la Católica as “tañedor de vihuela ” (Anglés/RC, I, 68) • 1498 Among “Oficiales de la casa” of Isabel la Católica as “tañedor de cañas” ie player of loud instruments with a salary of 30,000 mrs/yr (Anglés/RC, I, 68). Knighton, article on Gonzalo de Baena, documents Donayre’s visit(s)) to Portugal.
• ruiz2009 documents Rodrigo Donaire in 1516 in the service of Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, Fifth Duke of Medina Sidonia. Salary of 15000 mrs

Knighton2016-2, 126:
23 April 1513, Tendilla wrote to the Count of Palma, Luis Fernández Portocarrero y Bocanegra (d. 1528): ‘Rodrigo Donaire has left me; I think he is going to a place where they think he sang well; I was telling him to be quiet all the time’ (‘Ya se me fue Rodrigo Donaire, creo que va a cantar donde crean que cantava bien, que yo cada hora le dezia que callase’) (Meneses García 1973–74, 2: 266; cited in Knighton 2001: 156). The Count explains Donaire’s rapid departure on the grounds that he was not paid enough (he appears to have received 20,000 maravedís rather than the 30,000 maravedís he earned at court) and that two wits (‘donaires’), like two madmen, could not be in the same place at the same time. Donaire subsequently went to serve the Fifth Duke of Medina Sidonia, Alonso Pérez de Guzmán; he appears in pay documents for the ducal household from 1513 to 1516, along with another vihuelist, a harpist, eleven chapel singers and an organist, seven ministriles altos and a corps of six trumpeters and a drummer (Ruiz Jiménez 2009b: 410; Gómez Fernández 2016:126,138 and140).

note 44 = original text: “Truxe a Rodrigo Donaire, como vuestra merçed conçerto y agora para sobrehusa de Galiano he tomado otro tañedor y también es criado de Diego Hernandes; si un tiple ouiese, tengo otros tres singulares para cançiones y para mas. Qualquier cosa de musica que por alla atravesare venga aca que esta es agora el tema’ (Meneses García 1973–74, 2:230; cited in Knighton2001:155).

p. 126-7 Knighton

King Manuel I (Portugal)
The monarchs’ ambassador to Portugal, Ochoa Álvarez de Isasaga, describes the festivities at the Portuguese court on Christmas Eve 1500 (Knighton2001:154):

En acabando de comer vino el señor rey a la camara de la señor reyna, e, yendose l infanta, mando despejar la camara, y despues estovieron el rey e la reyna solos oyendo musica de Rodrigo de Donayre y sus compañeros’ (Torre & Suárez Fernández 1958–63, 3:7;citedinKnighton2001:154).

Related persons
Alonso de Baena was his colleague
Diego de Medina was his colleague
Isabel la Catolica was his patron

Source documents
Date Document
1498 Officiales de la casa de la Reina Católica Doña Isabel.

Ref Author Item Pages
angles1941 Anglés, Higinio. La musica en la corte de los Reyes Católicos. 3 vols. Monumentos de la Música Española 1, 5, 10. Barcelona: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Instituto Espanol de Musicologia, 1941-51. 68
knighton1983 Knighton, Tess. “Music and Musicians at the Court of Femando de Aragón” unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Cambridge, 1983. 44, 213-214, 216
knighton1989 Knighton, Tess. “The Spanish Court of Ferdinand and Isabella.” The Renaissance: from the 1470s to the end of the 16th century. Ed. Iain Fenlon. Man & music, 2. London: Macmillan, 1989. 341-60. 345
knighton1992 Knighton, Tess. “The a capella heresy in Spain: an inquisition into the performance of the cancionero repertory” Early Music 20/4 (November 1992): 651-581. 574-76
ruiz2009 Ruiz Jiménez, Juan. “Power and musical exchange: the Dukes of Medina Sidonia in Renaissance Seville”. Early Music 37.3 (2009): 410-416.
torre1955 Torre, Antonio de la. Cuentas de Gonzalo de Baeza, tesorero de Isabel la Católica 2 vols. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Biblioteca Reyes Católicos 5-6, 1955-1956. II, 455, 508, 537, 570, 608, 650
torreISA Torre, Antonio de la. La Casa de Isabel la Católica. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, BR 4, 1954. 99