
Achillini, Giovanni Philoteo

Active 1466-1538

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Giovanni Philoteo Achillini Bolonia 1466 1538 M P0098

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela viola da mano (vihuela de mano) viola da mano Poet Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1466-1538 Italia Bologna 16cent/1/early Italy
Biographical information

salazar1961-2, 139 fn 8, Indica que el famoso grabado de Raimundo es “según un modelo de Francesco Francia, que muestra al tañedor Giovanni Philoteo (1466-1538), sienta jurisprudencia, porque es de mano hábil.” Instrumento tiene 7 cuerdas, 11 clavijas. Dice que este músico también se llamaba Philethio Achillini
ward1953, p 61. Seven-courses played by Bolognese poet-musician Giovanni Philoteo Achillini depicted in print by Marcantonio Raimondi of a lost painting by Francesco Francia.
• According to salazar1961-2, p. 140, Achillini was the author of a book Il Viridario (Bolgna 1513) that speaks of the most famous tañedores of the time. Salazar was unable to locate this book, but affirms that there was an academy in Bologna called Il Viridario that devoted itself to the correction of printed texts, (This information is derived from Symonds, Renaissance in Italy, New York, vol 1, p. 496.)

Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
salazar1961-2 Salazar, Adolfo. La Música en Cervantes y otros ensayos. Madrid: Insula, 1961. 139 fn 8, 140
ward1953 Ward, John M. “The ‘Vihuela de mano’ and its Music, 1536-1576”. Diss., New York University, 1953. 61