
Ostia, Diego de la

Active 1561-1585

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Diego de la Ostia M P0090

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela de arco citara Autor de comedias Professional Author

Years active Place active Century Region
1561-1585 Toledo 16cent/3/late Andalucia
Biographical information

Diego de la Ostia was a producer of spectacles (Autor de comedias) and a dancer (danzante), a citizen of Toledo, and active there between 1561 and 1585. The contract which requires him to partake as a dancer. The performmance required 11 dancers, and includes 8 who had to wear the costumes of serranos and serranas, and who had to play instruments: 2 vihuelas de arco, 2 citoles (cítaras), lutes and 2 guitars. Another two dancers had to dress in the same manner as the eight, playing another two instrumentos that they also had to play while the others danced “because they had keep dancing with some bows, and the eleventh person had to serve as a guide and had to take their instruments and put them down for them whenever they had to dance with the said bows”

The contract (reprinted in cotareloMori, p. clxxiii-clxxiv and peralesB) is found among the documents. Both seem to have taken copies from the Barbieri papers in E-Mn, MS 14038. Barbieri gives the sources as Leg. 2.°, Archivo historico de Toledo without more specification.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1585.07.22 Diego de Ostia, performance contract

Ref Author Item Pages
casares1986 Barbieri, Francisco Asenjo. Biografias y documentos sobre música y músicos españoles. Legado Barbieri, vol 1. Ed. Emilio Casares. Madrid: Fundación Banco Exterior, 1986. 362
corona1999 Corona-Alcalde, Antonio. “The Players and Performance Practice of the Vihuela and its related Instruments, the Lute and the Guitar, from c. 1450 to c.1650. as revealed by a Study of Literary, Musical, Theoretical, and Archival Sources”. Diss. King's College, University of London, 1999. 28, 278
cotareloC Cotarelo y Mori, Emilio. Colección de Entremeses, Loas, Bailes, Jácaras y Mojigangas desde fines del siglo XVI a mediados del XVIII. Madrid: Casa Editorial Bailly-Bailliére, 1911. clxxiii-clxxiv
perales1985 Perales de la Cal, Ramón (ed). Papeles Barbieri. Madrid: Editorial Alpuerto, 1985. 108-09