
Jaén, Martín de

Active 1550?

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Martín de Jaén M P0057

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Musician Professional Court Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1550? Granada 16cent/2/mid Andalucia
Biographical information

Vihuelist from Granada. Known to Bernardino de Figueroa and Bermudo. Father of the vihuelist Hernando de Jaen.
• Bermudo: Lib. II, cáp. 35, fol. 29v “Tengo por mejores tañedores a Narváez, a Martín de Jaén, a Hernando de Jaén, vezinos de la ciudad de Granada, A López, músico del señor Duque de Arcos, a Fuenllana, músico de la señora Marquesa de Tarifa, a Mudarra, canónigo de la Iglesia mayor de Sevilla, y Anrrique, músico del señor Conde de Miranda.”
• freis1995-1: Bernardino de Figueroa, in the letter of recommendation written for the first edition (1549) of Bermudo’s Declaración cites that Martin de Jaen and his son Hernando inspected the book, ie prior to its printing in Granada. Freis p 31, 41 (fn 27), 57 (fn 60).

Related persons
Hernando de Jaén was his father

Ref Author Item Pages
berm1555 Bermudo, Juan. Comiença el libro llamado declaracion de instrumentos musicales...Ossuna: Juan de León, 1555. 29v
freis1995-1 Freis, Wolfgang. “Perfecting the perfect instrument: Fray Juan Bermudo on the tuning and temperament of the vihuela de mano”. Early Music 23 (1995): 421-36. p 31, 41 (fn 27), 57 (fn 60)
martinDMEH Griffiths, John. “Jaen, Martin de”. Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana. Ed. Emilio Casares Rodicio. Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999-2002. Vol. 6, 537.
ward1953 Ward, John M. “The ‘Vihuela de mano’ and its Music, 1536-1576”. Diss., New York University, 1953. 369