
Gastón, Luis

Active 1477

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Luis Gastón Zaragoza 1477 M P0048

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Nobility Owned a vihuela

Years active Place active Century Region
1477 Zaragoza 15cent/3/late Aragon
Biographical information

The only knowledge of Luis Gastón concerns a debt that he acknowledged on 24 January 1477, in Zaragoza, in his will. He is decribed as a “doncel”, presumably a young nobleman. To discharge his debt of 60 sueldos, he pledges a vihuela, a drum and a leather garment, probably a jacket.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1477.01.24 Luis Gastón acknowledges a debt

Ref Author Item Pages
pallares1991-1 Pallarés Jiménez, Miguel Angel. “Aportación documental para la historia de la música en Aragón en el último tercio del siglo XV.” (Part 1) Nassarre 7-1 (1991): 175-212. Doc 8