
Daza, Esteban

Active 1537?-1590

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Esteban Daza Valladolid 1537/ca Valladolid 1591/ca M P0033

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela vihuela de mano Bourgeoisie Urban Vihuelist & Composer Instrumentalist & composer (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1537?-1590 Valladolid 16cent/2/mid Castilla
Biographical information

Esteban Daza was born and lived in Valladolid. He was from a family of hijosdalgo who lived in apparent comfort during the early part of the sixteenth century but whose fortunes waned as the century progressed. Esteban had a university education and was encouraged to continue and complete a licenciatura which did not come to pass. There is no evidence that he ever worked. His vihuela was published when he was nearly forty. He continued to live with his unmarried siblings until about 1590. From this time he appears to have lived in part of a house owned by his brother Baltasar. The last documented reference to him while alive is from the end of 1590.

These are the principal documented moments in Esteban Daza’s life:
1537/8 - probable birth and baptism at S. Miguel in Valladolid. Records of births are not complete for this period
1558.10.02 - Esteban Daza’s uncle, Francisco de Butrón, bequeaths him his library if he completes a licenciatura in law
1563.05.19 named universal heredero in his father’s will, “Bachiller” but not “licenciado”
1568.12.18 Daza’s uncle revokes his donation of his library because Esteban had not completed a licenciatura
1569.04.09 - Esteban signs to be guardian of his younger brothers and sisters following the death of his father
1576 - El Parnaso is published
1576.01.13 - Esteban signs printing contract with Diego Fernández de Córdoba
1576.04.12 - Printing is completed (colophon of El Parnasso)
1578.05.26 - Family documents naming Esteban
1586.10.09 - Baltasar probably had announced his intention to marry.
1586.12.08 - Renunciation and donation of the estate of Esteban’s uncle Gaspar.
1587.06.03 - More family documents that mention Esteban
1590.12.17 - Last document that mentions Esteban as still alive. Living in three lower rooms in a house rented by Baltasar Daza to Diego Torres, outside the Puerta del Campo, the whole house, except “three lower rooms in which my brother Esteban Daza is living.

Related persons
el licenciado Esteban Daza was his grandfather
Gaspar Daza Maldonado was his brother
Tomás Daza was his father
Juana Daza was his mother
Francisco Daza was his brother
Inés (1) de los Ríos was his grandmother
Inés (2) de los Ríos was his sister
Álvaro Daza de los Ríos was his brother
Antonio Daza was his brother
Gerónima (2) [Jerónima] de los Ríos was his sister
Juana Daza de los Ríos was his sister
Luis Daza was his brother
María Maldonado was his sister
Mariana de los Ríos was his sister
Melchior Daza was his brother
Pedro Daza was his brother
Tomás de los Ríos was his brother

Source documents
Date Document
1576.01.13 Esteban Daza and Diego Fernández de Córdoba, printing contract.
1576 Esteban Daza, El Parnaso.
1563.05.19 Tomás Daza, last will and testament
1569.04.09 The children of Tomás Daza, executorship and guardianship of their persons and property
1537-1538 Esteban Daza, possible baptism dates.
1569.04.09 Tomás Daza, post mortem inventory
1578.05.26-30 Juana Daza, payment of her dowry following the death of her husband.
1578.06.21 Renunciation and sale of annuity of the heirs of Tomás Daza.
1579.09.17 Gaspar Daza, 3rd will and testament.
1579.09.17-26 Daza Chapel, a series of documents.
1583.11.10 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (4) and to a codicil (1582.07.24).
1585.08.16 Gaspar Daza, codicil.
1585.09.01 Gaspar Daza, codicil to the will of 1579.09.17 (6).
1586.01.14 Gaspar Daza, renunciation and donation.
1586.03.13-19 Gaspar Daza, documents related to his death and inheritance.
1586.12.08 Esteban Daza, renunciation and donation of the estate of his uncle Gaspar.
1587.02.12 Baltasar Daza, renewal letter of the perpetual annuity.
1587.04.11 Gaspar Daza, documents referring to his properties.
1587.06.03 Esteban Daza, documents related with 1587.04.11.
1587.06.03 Gaspar Daza Maldonado, sale of his rent.
1590.12.17 Baltasar Daza, rental of a residence to Diego Torres.
1724 Fundación de misas en S. Benito, 1427-1724.
1575.07 Esteban Daza, license to print El Parnasso.
1578.05.27 Recognition of the donation of the legitima of Juana de los Rios, Maria Maldonado, Franc° Daza Daza and Tomás de los Rios and the absence of P º Daza (Doc. 3).
1578.05.28 Esteban Daza, partition of dowry and earnest of his mother (Doc. 5).
1578.05.30 Esteban Daza and Melchor Daza, document to approve the appointment of Alº Navarro (Doc. 4).
1578.05.30 Juana, Esteban, Balthasar, Melchior and Dª Gerónima, consent of the payment to their mother ( Doc. 12).
1578.05.30 Esteban Daza, acknowledgement of previous document (Doc. 13).
1586.12.04 Gaspar Daza, probable date of death.
1575.06.29 License for the publication of El Parnasso.
1585.09.01 Gaspar Daza, codicil of the will, transcription.
1558.10.02 Licenciado Butrón, codicil.
1568.12.18 Francisco de Butrón, codicil
1590 Archive San Benito el Real, catalog made ​​in 1590, with many details added later.
1551.09.17 Esteban Daza, first book of the baptized.

Ref Author Item Pages
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dazaDMEH Griffiths, John. “Daza, Esteban”. Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana. Ed. Emilio Casares Rodicio. Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999-2002. Vol. 4, 413-416.
dazaMGG Griffiths, John. “Daza, Esteban”. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. 2nd edition, ed L. Finscher. Personenteil, 5. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1994-. 551-552.
griffiths1976 Griffiths, John. “The Vihuela Book ‘El Parnaso’ by Esteban Daza”. Studies in Music 10 (1976): 37-51.
griffiths1982 Daza, Esteban. The Fantasias for Vihuela. Ed. John Griffiths. Recent Researches in Music of the Renaissance, 54. Madison: A-R Editions, 1982.
griffiths1993-1 Griffiths, John. “Esteban Daza: el enigma desvelado de un vihuelista español”. La enseñanza de la lengua y cultura españolas en Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Ed. A. Monclús. Canberra: Consejería de Educación; Madrid: Iberediciones, 1993. 135-55.
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