
Aguiar, Alexandre

Active 15xx-1605

Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Alexandre Aguiar Oporto Talavera 1603 M P0001

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela Musician Professional Court - royal Polyphonist/Theorist Author Author - poet, playwright Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
15xx-1605 Portugal 16cent/3/late Portugal
Biographical information

Noted Portuguese vihuelist and composer. He played seven-course vihuela and was also known as a poet, singer and composer. He worked in the most prestigious courts on the Iberian peninsula, serving the Portuguese Kings Sebastián (1557-1578) and Enrique (1578-1581) and Spanish monarch Philip II after 1577.
He died by drowning between Talavera and Lobón in the province of Badajoz while returning to Portugal after a sojourn in Spain. He visited Spain on at least two occasions in 1576 and 1603, although the duration of these visits is unknown, nor is it possible to measure the fruit of his interchanges with Spanish musicians. Despite the reports of his presence in the court of Philip II, no evidence has been discovered to prove his membership of Philip’s chapel, and it is more probable that he served Philip in Portugal. None of his music survives.

Related persons
Leonel Aguiar was his brother

Ref Author Item Pages
aguylesMGG Griffiths, John. “Aguyles, Francisco [Francesco] de”. Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart. 2nd edition, ed L. Finscher. Personenteil, 1. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1994-. 242.
aguiarDMEH Griffiths, John. “Aguiar, Alexandre de”. Diccionario de la música española e hispanoamericana. Ed. Emilio Casares Rodicio. Madrid: Sociedad General de Autores y Editores, 1999-2002. Vol. I, 107-108.
barbosaB Barbosa Machado, Diogo. Biblioteca Lusitana: Historica Critica e Cronologica. 4 vols. Lisbon: Antonio Isidoro da Fonseca, 1741-59. 93
barreto1630 Barreto, João Franco. Bibliotheca luzitana: autores portuguezes. 6 vols. N.p., n.d. MS (c.1656-c.1668), Biblioteca de la Casa de Cadaval, signatura M-VI-14.
kastnerCONT Kastner, [Macario] Santiago. Contribución al estudio de la música española y portuguesa. Lisboa: Editorial Atica, 1941. 219-20
labor Peña, [Anglés] Joaquín, and Higinio Anglés. Diccionario de la música Labor. 2 vols. Barcelona: Labor, 1954. I,26
lacalD Lacál, Luisa. Diccionario de la Música, Técnico, Histórico, Bio-bibliogáfico. Madrid: San Francisco de Sales, 1899. 11
nery1984 Nery, Rui Vieira. A Musica no Ciclo da “Bibliotheca Lusitana”. Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1984. 43-44/237
pedrellD Pedrell, Felipe. Diccionario biográfico y bibliográfico de músicos y escritores de música españoles, portugueses e hispano-americanos antiguos y modernos. Barcelona: [V. Berdós, 1897- ]. I,19
vascon1860 Vasconcellos, Joaquim de. Os Musicos Portuguezes. 2 vols. Oporto: Imprenta Portugueza, 1860-76. 3-4