
[unnamed 4],

Active 1522

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[unnamed 4] P1284

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Years active Place active Century Region
1522 Teruel Valencia
Biographical information

Villanueva and Castán reprint an account of the death in Teruel on 2 August 1522 of some prisoners who had been brought there from Valencia on 25 July of the same year. On 2 August, at 5am the silversmith Barnabé and an unnamed luthier, both from Valencia, were strangled in prison. Then their bodies were tied to the tail of two mules and brought to the Plaza. In the Plaza the bodies were dismembered, and the members hung and displayed throughout the day. Later the members were hung along the roads and the head of Bernabé hung on a chain at the Zaragoza-gate. Both man were arrested in San Agustín for organizing rampages, violent raids and fires in Teruel and villages on their way back to Valencia. This took place during the uprising of the Germanias in Valencia during the years 1519-1523. (villanuevacastan2012, 268)
Martínez has speculated that the violero may have been Alonso de Guadalupe (martinez2015, 84).

Related persons
Alonso Guadalupe associate

Ref Author Item Pages
bogaard2022 Bogaard, Ton. “The violeros 16th century of Valencia Rediscovered.” Part of the author’s website Valencia: Ten Centuries of Guitar Building. (consulted 21/02/2022)
martinez2015 Martínez González, Javier. “El arte de los violeros españoles 1350-1650”. Ph.D. Departamento de Historia del Arte, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Madrid, 2015. 84
roa2015 Roa Alonso, Francisco Javier. “Alonso Mudarra, vihuelista en la casa del Infantado y canónigo en la Catedral de Sevilla”. 2 vols. Diss., Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2015. 109-110
villanuevacastan2012 Villanueva Morte, Concepción, and José Luis Castán Esteban. Acontecimientos que han sucedido en el Mundo. Relación de los naufragios, calamidades, desaventuras y miserias de Teruel. Fuentes históricas aragoneses 60. Zaragoza: Institución Fernando el Católico, 2012. 268