
Jorba, Lorenzo

Active 1488-1510

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Lorenzo Jorba P1281

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
harp other Artisan Artisan Urban Violero (inst maker)

Years active Place active Century Region
1488-1510 Valencia 15cent/3/late Aragon
Biographical information

Lorenzo Jorba is referred to as “magister organorum”. He is mentioned in a document in 1488 because he was selling a slave. Later on 17 February 1505, he is mentioned in an order for to make a cymbal and a harp for the priest Jacme Martí (document from the Archive of the Cathedral of Valencia). He paid a tax of 10 sous in 1510. Information from in borgaard2022. Even though not specifially mentioned in surviving documents there is a good chance he also made vihuelas.


Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
bogaard2022 Bogaard, Ton. “The violeros 16th century of Valencia Rediscovered.” Part of the author’s website Valencia: Ten Centuries of Guitar Building. (consulted 21/02/2022)