
Pantaleón de Ribera , Anastasio

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Anastasio Pantaleón de Ribera 1600 1629 M P1272

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela harp Poet Bourgeoisie Court - royal Author - poet, playwright Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
Madrid 17cent/1/early Castilla
Biographical information

Poet who appears to have played the vihuela. Died young from knife wounds accidentally received. The possibility that he played the vihuela is suggested by a reference drawn from one of his humourous poems. It is the final verse of his Romance VIII in his
which he explains with the title “Romance a las lanzas que corrio el Duque en Palacio” that is the Duke of Lerma, starting at fol. 33v. The humourous poem ends of fol. 36v with the following verses:

Lograd, pues, estas virtudes
qua todo llaman etereas,
yendo a ganar este Mayo
la Casa Santa si quiera.
Vivid a sola la fama,
y hazed que os dure por peñas
digna memoria, a pesar
de la fortunica perra.
Que yo las vuestras andanças,
que yo las victorias vuestras
Cantaré mejor que Roche
En el arpa, y la vihuela

This is also the sole reference to a possible vihuelist named “Roche”. This could be the “principe de la Roche Furion” (Prince de Roche-sur-Yon) who accompanied Philip II’s French wife, Isabel de Valois, to Spain in 1560. This was Charles de Bourbon (1515-1565) [see:,_Prince_of_La_Roche-sur-Yon]

Pepe Rey drew my attention to this vihuelist in 2012.

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1630 Anastasio Pantaleón de Ribera, Ronance VIII

Ref Author Item Pages
brown1980 Brown,  Kenneth. Anastasio Pantaleón de Ribera (1600-1629): ingenioso miembro de la república literaria española.Madrid: J. Porrúa Turanzas, 1980.
panta1670 Pantaleón de Ribera, Anastasio. Obras de Anastasio Pantaleón de Ribera ilustradas con la protección del ilustrísimo y excelentísimo señor don Rodrigo de Silva y Mendoza, quarto duque de Pastrana... Madrid: Francisco Martínez, 1634; reprint Madrid: Andrés García de la Iglesia, 1670.

John Griffiths