
Aracil, Melchor

Active 1570-1601

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Melchor Aracil Jijona 1552.09.07 Valencia 1601.04.30 P0156

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela órgano Urban Church Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1570-1601 Jijona, Valencia 16cent/3/late Valencia
Biographical information

Born in Jijona (Xixona), The venerable Father, Fray Melchor Aracil, achieved considerable distinction as a churchman and a founder of the Augustinian monastery in Valencia. He is documented in numerous histories of Spanish Augustinians, with particular emphasis on his humanistic education in the universities of Alicante and Murcia. His competence in music—in plainchant, organ and as a player of the vihuela is mentioned by Angel Blanes Verdú in a 1982 study, but in an article that has no reference apparatus.

One example of his life is the chapter “Vida del V. Padre Fray Melchor de Aracil, Confessor, de la Orden de Nuestro padre San Agustin” in Sebastián de Portillo y Aguilar, Chronica Espiritual Augustiniana, Vidas De Santos, Beatos, y Venerables Religiosos, y Religiosas del Orden de su Gran Padre San Augustin, para todos los dias del año. Escriviòlas en Quatro Tomos, cada uno à tres meses, año de 1651. De Abril, Mayo, y Junio. Madrid: (Impta. del Colegio de Dña. María de Aragón), 1731-1732 Vol. 2, 159-162.

Thanks to guitarist adn vihuelist Fernando Espí for drawing this to my attention in April 2020.

Related persons

Ref Author Item Pages
blanes1982 Blanes Verdü, Angel. “ Fray Melchor Aracil”, Program de Fiestas. Jijona: [n.p.], 1982.

John Griffiths