
Mendoza y Sarmiento, María de

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
María de Mendoza y Sarmiento Castrojeriz 1508 Valladolid 1587.02.11 F P0717

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
Nobility Court - noble No tangible connection Patron

Years active Place active Century Region
Zaragoza 16cent Aragon
Biographical information

María de Mendoza y Sarmiento, daughter of Juan Hurtado de Mendoza y María de Sarmiento, 3rd Countess of Ribadavia. Maria was the wife of Francisco de los Cobos whom she married in 1522, aged 14. Important arts patron in Valladolid and Avila. She was a lady in waiting to the Empress Isabel of Portugal. Among her friends were Santa Teresa de Avila. She is buried in the chapel of San Salvador in Ubeda, that has a vihuelist decorating one of its portals (16-218)
A brief biography is available online at -- the website of the Real Academia de la Historia.

Related persons
Diego de los Cobos was her son
Francisco de los Cobos was her husband

Ref Author Item Pages
fdzhoyo2006 Fernández del Hoyo, María Antonia. “Los Mendoza clientes de Juni.” Boletín del Museo Nacional de Escultura 10 (2006): 23-30.

John Griffiths