
Mendoza, Mencía de

Active 1523

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Person Born Died Gender Person ID
Mencía de Mendoza Jadraque 1508.11.30 Valencia 1544.01.04 F P0621

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela clavicordio tecla vihuela de mano Nobility Court - noble Patron Instrumentalist (plucked) Instrumentalist (keyboard & harp)

Years active Place active Century Region
1523 Valencia 16cent/1/early Valencia
Biographical information

Doña Mencía de Mendoza, 2nd Marchioness of Cenete, daughter of Rodrigo de Vivar y Mendoza, 1st Marquis of Cenete (Zenete) married to Henry III of Nassau-Breda (1524-1538) through whom she became a patron of culture in the Netherlands, and to Fernando of Aragon, Duke of Calabria (1540-1550).

Her father, “Rodrigo de Mendoza, once again, took on the task of educating Mencia and his two younger daughters, María and Catalina, in this subject [music]. In fact, we know the names of those who were her teachers of music and dance: Miguel Ortiz and Miguel Celma, both from Valencia […] Mencía learnt from very young to play diverse instruments, among them are noteworthy ‘clavicordio, el “zimbol” [clave]’ and vihuela.” (garciaperez2004, translation JG),

The names of both her teachers are documented in two letters of payment (cartas de pago) dated 22 May 1523 and 26 July 1523 (lassovega1942, 36) preserved in E-SCV Arxiu de Catalunya, Archivo del Palau-Requesens, leg. 127, leg.142*

* These two legajo numbers appear to refer to the same document; 127 is the newer and may relate to a renumbering when the Archivo del Palau was transferred to the Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya. Leg. 127 contains the “Correspondència rebuda per Mencia de Mendoza i altres perdonalitats del seu entorn.”

Related persons
Miguel Ortiz was her teacher

Ref Author Item Pages
garciaperez2004 García Pérez, Noelia. “La huella petrarquista en la biblioteca y colección de obras de arte de Mencía de Mendoza”, Revista Electrónica de Estudios Filológicos 8 (2004) (accessed 15 Nov. 2009):
garciaperez2014 García Pérez, Noelia. “Mencía de Mendoza, Marquise of Zenete: Early Modern Spain’s Cultural Ambassador”. Early Modern Women 9.1(2014): 89-100.
lassovega1942 Lasso de la Vega, Miguel. Doña Mencía de Mendoza, marquesa del Cenete (1508-1554). Discurso de recepción en la Real Academia de la Historia. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 1942. 36
moll1963 Moll, Jaime. “Notas para la historia musical de la corte del Duque de Calabria”, Anuario Musical 18 (1963): 123-135. 123-135
schwartz2016 Freund Schwartz, Roberta. “Love and Liberality? Music in the Courts of the Spanish Nobility”. Companion to music in the age of the Catholic monarchs, ed. Tess Knighton. Boston; Leiden: Brill, 2016. 173-204. 191

John Griffiths