
Torres Barroso

Active 1539

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Torres Barroso M P0013

Instrument(s) Professional group Social status Social sphere Why is the person listed?
vihuela vihuela de mano Instrumentalist (plucked)

Years active Place active Century Region
1539 Valladolid Salamanca 16cent/1/early Castilla
Biographical information

A vihuelist who is known today only by his reputation, mentioned twice in writings of Cristóbal de Villalón. In his Ingeniosa comparación entre lo antiguo y lo presente (Valladolid, 1539), he is described among vihuelists currently alive as “a native of Salamanca, and admirable in the composition of this music” (pujol1949, 13 nota 7, and reyp1997: “Agora bive Torres Barroso, natural de Salamanca, admirable en la composición desta música” In the same sentence he is mentioned with Luis Guzmán and Francesco da Milano. Pujol and Ward took this information from notes collected by Barbieri originally collected by Pascual de Gayangos. Rey later established their original source. Rey (reyp1997) reports that he is mentioned again by Villalón in his unpublished mid-century manuscript El Crotalón, (c. 1552?) as one of the most distinguished vihuelists of his time: “…y después de haber oido a aquellos dos tan señalados músicos en la vihuela, Torres, Narváez y Macotera, tan nombrados en España…” [and after having heard two of the most distinguished musicians of the vihuela, Tiorres, Narváez, Macotera, so renowned in Spain].

Related persons

Source documents
Date Document
1539 Cristóbal de Villalón, Ingeniosa Comparacón entre lo antiguo y lo presente.
1552/ca Cristóbal de Villalón, El Crotalón, de Christóphero Gnophoso.

Ref Author Item Pages
pujol1949 Mudarra, Alonso. Tres libros de música en cifra para vihuela. Ed. Emilio Pujol. Monumentos de la Música Española 7. Barcelona: Instituto Español de Musicología, 1949, rpt 1984. 13/fn 7
reyp1981 Rey, Juan José. “El vihuelista Luis de Guzmán”. Revista de Musicología 4 (1981): 129-32.
reyp1997 Rey, Pepe. “Nominalia: instrumentos musicales en la literatura española desde La Celestina (1499) hasta El Criticón (1651)”. Los instrumentos musicales en el siglo XVI. Proceedings of the I Encuentro Tomás Luis de Victoria y la música española del siglo XVI (Avila, May 1993). Avila: Fundación Cultural Sta. Teresa, 1997. 41-100.
villalon1982 Villalón, Cristóbal de. El Crotalón, de Christóphero Gnophoso. Ed. A. Rallo. Madrid: Cátedra, 1982
ward1953 Ward, John M. “The ‘Vihuela de mano’ and its Music, 1536-1576”. Diss., New York University, 1953. 358