Source title | Lupus. Este motete tambien es del mismo tono. Tercero grado. |
Title in contents | Panis quem ego dabo en el tercero grado a quatro. Lupus. |
Text incipit | Panis quem ego dabo. |
Category intabulation
Genre motet
Fantasia type
Mode 2
Voices 4
Length (compases) 152
Tuning A
Courses 6
Final V/0
Highest I/8
Lowest VI/3
Difficulty difficult
Tempo medium
Language LA
Vocal notation texted cifras rojas
Intabulation of a motet by Lupus Hellinck, published in the same collections as the preceding piece (va013) “Motteti del fiore… libro primo” (Lyon: Mderne, 1532) and “Symphoniae iucundae atque adeo breves quatuor vocum” (Wittenburg: Georg Rhau, 1538). There is close correspondence between the model and the vihuela version. The bass voice is printed in red ciphers and underlaid with text. Lupus’ motet was later parodied by Palestrina as a mass. The text is a responsory for mass on the feast of Corpus Christi. Its melody is no. 601738 in the Cantus Database.
Panis quem ego dabo caro mea est pro mundi vita.
Litigabant ergo Judaei ad invicem dicentes
quomodo potest hic nobis carnem suam
dare ad manducandum.
Clemens non Papa, Jacobus. Opera Omnia. Corpus Mensurabilis Musicae 4. 21 vols. Ed. Karel Philippus Bernet Kempers. [Rome]: American Institute of Musicology, 1951-1976
Moderne, Jacques. Primus liber cum quatuor vocibus. Motteti del fiore. Lyon: J. Moderne, 1532.
Rhau, George (ed.). Symphoniae jucundae...- Wittenberg. George Rhau, 1538. ed. Hans ALBERCHT. Kassel: Bärenreiter-Verlag, 1959.