
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Dont vient cela [Sermisy]


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 88v


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Source title Segundo grado. Diviencela
Title in contents   Diuincela en el segundo grado.
Text incipit


Category intabulation

Genre chanson

Fantasia type

Mode 1

Voices 4

Length (compases) 80


Tuning D

Courses 6

Final IV/2

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/3

Difficulty medium

Tempo medium

Song Text


Vocal notation


Intabulation of a chanson by Claudin Sermisy setting a text by Clément Marot, “Dont vient cela” misspelt by Valderrábano as “Divincela”. The same music is also used for a rhymed setting also by Marot of Psalm 10. More details at: (consulted 2/05/2017). Valderrábano’s intabulation is a lightly decorated version of the original which is characterised by a mixture of homophonic phrases and others using the style of animated homophony. The song appears to have had some popularity among Spanish musicians as there is also an intabulation in Cabezón’s Libro de Musica (1578), also incorrectly titled “Dubien sela”.
Further information about the vocal model is available at:

Song Text

Dont vient cela, belle, je vous supply,
Que plus à moy ne vous recommandez?
Toujours seray de tristesse remply,
jusques a tant qu’au vray me le mandez.
Je croy que plus d’amy ne demandez.
Ou maulvais bruyt de moy on vous revelle
ou vostre coeur a fait amour nouvelle.
Si vous laissez d’amour le train joly,
vostre beauté prisionniere rendez;
Si pour autruy m’avez mis en oubly,
Dieu vous y doint le bien que pretendez
mais si de mal en rien m’apprehendez,
Je veulx qu’autant que vous me semblez belle,
d’autant ou plus vous me soyez rebelle.

Modern edition(s)

Sermisy, Claudin de. Opera Omnia. Ed. Gaston Allaire and Isabel Cazeaux. Corpus Mensurabilis Música 52. N.p.: American Institute of Musicology, 1974.

Printed source(s)

Attaingnant, Pierre. Chansons nouvelles en musique à quatre parties... Paris: P. Attaingnant, 1528.
