
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Fantasía 15, remedando al motete de Gombert Inviolata. Quinto tono


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 71


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Source title Esta fantasia es algú[n] tanto a co[m]posturada del motete de Go[m]bert, que se dize Inuiolata, y en ella se hallara vna señal de proporcion como esta.3.y van seys seminimas en vn compas, el qual compas no se a de mudar de como va procediendo la dicha fantasia. Quinto tono. Tercero grado.
Title in contents   Fantasia en el tercero grado remedando al motete de Gombert Inuiolata.
Text incipit


Category abstract

Genre fantasia

Fantasia type Par

Mode 5

Voices 4

Length (compases) 155


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final V/5

Highest I/10

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty difficult

Tempo medium

Song Text


Vocal notation


Rubric: “This fantasia is to some degree composed upon the motet by Gombert called ‘Inviolata’ and in it a proportion sign is to be found like this .3. to indicat that six semiinims are to go in each tactus (=bar), the said tactus should not be changed as the said fantasia proceeds. Mode 5. Third level [of difficulty.” The work is thus one of Valderrábano’s long parody fantasias, double the length of some of those that go before it, 155 compases.

The parody model is the five-voice motet by Gombert: Inviolata. Ward claims that there are “no more than a few motivic allusions to Gombert’s motet, though, in addition, there is a textural resemblance” (ward1953, 234). The work is basically in a free polyphonic style with several passages of diminutions, and a brief snippet in proportio tripla. Even though the model is imitative, it is dense (being a5) and ongoing; this is also true of parody. Gombert’s opening theme is briefly treated (a single quotation) in compases 77-80, and the final cadence parallels Gombert’s at end of 2a pars: O benigna. This fantasia shows broad diversity of resources. Theme 1 = incipit; 2 = opening Gombert theme.

Gombert’s motet “Inuiolata integra & casta (secunda pars: O benigna O maria)” was published in Antonio Gardano’s volume Musica excellentissimi Nicolai Gomberti (vulgo motecta quinque vocum nuncupata) […] liber primus. (Venice: Gardano, 1539) [RISM 1539/7, nº 1.]. A copy of the tenor part book is in GB-Lbl has the shelf mark K.3.b.17. and can be found online at [accessed 20/01/2020]. A modern edition of the motet is in gombertO, vii 45