
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Fantasía 11 contrahecha sobre la entrada de un Ave Maris Stella


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 69


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Source title Fantasia contrahecha a vna entrada de vna aue maristella. Quinto tono. Segu[n]do grado.
Title in contents   Fantasia en el segundo grado remedando a vna entrada de aue maris stella.
Text incipit


Category abstract

Genre fantasia

Fantasia type Par

Mode 5

Voices 4

Length (compases) 70


Tuning F

Courses 6

Final VI/0

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty medium

Tempo fast

Song Text


Vocal notation


Rubric: “Fantasia imitating the opening of an Ave maris stella. Mode 5, second level [of difficulty]”. Another parody fantasia based on an unidentified model. The title suggests that it is based on a polyphonic setting of the hymn “Ave maris stella” one of the hymns sung at Vespers on Sundays. It was set by many composers. It is a short work of 70 compases, it is quite playable and gains charm as it goes along. It is built of free polyphony most of the way through, in cadentially defined sections [1-26] [26-36] [36-48] and then melodic motive [=theme 2] is introduced under a bass sequence of ascending thirds in compases 54-62, which is then repeated verbatim. Repeats of this kind are a rare occurrence in Valderrábanos style.