
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Dormendo un giorno [Verdelot]


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 38


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Source title Entonase la boz prima en vazio.
Title in contents   Cancion Dormendo un giorno en el segundo grado Verdelot.
Text incipit Dormendo un giorno


Category intabulation

Genre madrigal

Fantasia type

Mode 1

Voices 5

Length (compases) 119


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final V/0

Highest I/2

Lowest VI/3

Difficulty not specified

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language IT

Vocal notation texted staff notation


Madrigal in five voices by Philippe Verdelot intabulated with the soprano in mensural notation and the lower parts in tablature for a vihuela in A. Insteqd of a vihuela in A, a vihuela in G would give the piece its original pitch. Gil’s transcription is therefore a tone higher than the original voice parts. At the original pitch the mode of the work aoppears to be mode 1, transposed to G, The text is by Antonio Broccardo and the work was reprinted several times after its first printing in 1535, in works such as Phalèse, Lucelentum Theatrum Musicum [1568/7], Nº 106. This work also appears in Hernando de Cabezón’s 1578 volume of works by his father, and it was also the basis for a parody mass by Francisco Guerrero.

Song Text

Dormend'un giorn'a Baia'll' ombr'amore,
dove'l murmur de fonti più gli piacque,
corser ne Nimph'a vendicar l'ardore,
e la face gl'ascosen sotto l'acque,
ch'il crederebbe dentr'a quel liquore,
subitament'etterno foco nacque,
ond'a quei bagni sempr'il caldo dura,
che la fiamma d'amor acqua non cura.

Sleeping one day in the Bay in the shade of love,
where the murmur of the fountains most pleased him,
they ran to Nimph's to avenge the ardour,
and the face ascended under the waters,
which he would believe to be in that liquor,
and immediately eternal fire was born,
whereby the heat always lasts in those baths,
which the flame of love does not cure.

Modern edition(s)

Verdelot, Philippe. Madrigals for Four & Five Voices, Ed Jessie-Ann Owens. Sixteenth-century Madrigal 28-29. New York: Garland, 1989.

Printed source(s)

Verdelot, Philippe. Madrigali a cinque. Libro primo. 4 vol. O. Scotto, Venezia: 1535.

Phalèse, Pierre. Lucelentum Theatrum Musicum. Antwerp: P. Phalese, 1568.
