
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Qui la dira [Verdelot]


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 36v


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Source title Entonase la boz prima en vazio. segu[n]do grado.
Title in contents   Cancion Qui la dira en el segundo grado
Text incipit Qui la dira


Category intabulation

Genre madrigal

Fantasia type

Mode 1

Voices 5

Length (compases) 91


Tuning E

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/3

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty medium

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language IT

Vocal notation texted staff notation


Intabulation of a madrigal by Willaert that Valderrábano mistakenly attributes to Verdelot. Notated using a mensural staff for the soprano part, it is intabulated for a vihuela in E. The original madrigal is in four parts with the fifth part written as a canon at the fifth to the first tenor part at the distance of one bar.In Gil’s edition this corresponds to the entries of new voices at the beginning of bars 4 and 5. The chanson is best known from a 1572 print by Le Roy and Ballard. An earlier three-part version was composed issued in 1536 in Antonio dell’ Abbate’s La courone et fleur des chansons a troys (Venice: Andrea Antico, 1536) and an unconfirmed four-part version may be in the Libro secondo delle Canzoni francese (Venice: Scotto 1536) where it appears without author attribution. A keyboard tiento on the cantus firmus of “Qui la dira” by Antonio de Cabezón is Tiento IV in the Anglés edition.

Song Text

Qui la dira la peine de mon cueur
Et la doulour que pour mon amy porte
Je ne soubtiens que tristesse et langueur.
J'aymeroys mieux certes en estre morte.

Who will tell the sorrow of my heart
And the pain that for my love carries
I only support sadness and languor.
I would certainly prefer to be dead.

Modern edition(s)

Jacobs, Charles, ed. LeRoy and Ballard’s 1572 Mellange de Chansons. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1982. (1572)

Printed source(s)

Le Roy, Adrian and M. Ballard. Mellange de Chansons...a cinq, six, sept et huit parties. 6 vols. Paris: Le Roy et Ballard, 1572.
