
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Jerusalem luge [Richafort?]


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 30v


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Source title Entonase ña boz/prima en primero traste segu[n]do grado
Title in contents   Motete, Hierusalem Luge en el segundo grado. Verdelot
Text incipit Hierusalem Hierusalem


Category intabulation

Genre motet

Fantasia type

Mode 5

Voices 5

Length (compases) 109


Tuning E

Courses 6

Final VI/1

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty medium

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language LA

Vocal notation texted staff notation


An intabulation by Valderrábano of a five-voice motet that the vihuelist attributes to Verdelot but does not appear in any source with his authorship, but corresponding to a composition by Jean Richafort in numerous sources. The motet text is a tenebrae responsory for Holy Saturday. The Richafort version was published five time prior to the publication of Silva de Sirenas:
Secundus liber cum quinque vocibus (Lyon: Jacques Modeme, 1532), no 22
Motettorum Liber octavus (París: Pierre Attaignant, 1534), no 13
Mottetti del fiore. Secundus liber (Lyon: Jacques Modeme, 1539), no 8
Selectissimarum mutetarum (Nuremberg: Georg Forster, 1540), part 1, no. 1
Das Dritt Buch Ein new kunslich lauten (Nuremberg: Hans Gunter, 1544).

Song Text

Hierusalem luge
et exue te vestiibus
induere cinere et cilicio
quia in te occisus est salvator Israel.

Mourn, O Jerusalem,
and put off your garments of rejoicing;
cover yourselves with sack-cloth and ashes:
for the Saviour of Israel has been slain in your midst.

Modern edition(s)

Attaingnant, Pierre. Treize livres de motets parus chez Pierre Attaingnant en 1534 et 1535. Ed. A. Smijers and A. Tillman Merritt. Paris : Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre, 1934-1964.

Printed source(s)

Moderne, Jacques Secundus liber cum quinque vocibus. Lyon: J. Moderne, 1532.

Attaignant, Pierre (ed.). Liber octavus XX musicales motetos quatuor. quinqe bel sex bocum...Paris: Paul Attaignant, 1534.
