
Enríquez de Valderrábano

O quam suavis


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 29v


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Source title La e[n]tonacio[n] es segu[n]da e[n] tercero traste. Segu[n]do grado.
Title in contents   Motete O quam suavis en el segundo grado
Text incipit O quam suavis est


Category intabulation

Genre motet

Fantasia type

Mode 6

Voices 5

Length (compases) 141


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/5

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty medium

Tempo not specified

Song Text

Language LA

Vocal notation texted staff notation


Valderrábano’s intablulation of an unattributed five-voiced motet of unknown provenancev in imitative style. The superius is notated in mensural notation on a separate staff. It has been classified here as mode 6 because of the prominence given to A as a cadential tone and the range of the tenor and soprano parts. The text is biblical from the book of Wisdom 12:1 and 16:21, sung as the Antiphon to the Magnificat at Vespers on Corpus Christi

Song Text

O quam suavis est, Domine, spiritus tuus,
qui ut dulcedinem tuam in filios demonstrare
pane suavissimo de caelo praestito,
esurientes reples bonis,
fastidiosos divites dimittens inanes.

O how sweet is thy spirit, Lord,
thou who, in order to demonstrate thy sweetness to thy children,
send down from heaven the sweetest bread unsurpassed,
filling the hungry with good things,
sending away empty the disdainful rich!

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