
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Sea cuando recordares


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 25


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Source title Aqui se sigue[n] dos p[ro]uerbios sacados de la sagrada escriptura, anse de tañer en proporcion. Tercero grado.
Title in contents   Villancico sea quando recordares en el tercero grado.
Text incipit Sea quando recordares


Category intabulation


Fantasia type

Mode 5

Voices 4

Length (compases) 32


Tuning E

Courses 6

Final VI/1

Highest I/8

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty difficult

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


Valderrábano’s rubric indicates that “Here follow two proverbs taken from the holy scriptures, they have to be played in proportion. Third grade (of difficulty)”. In the contents he gives the piece as a villancico. The reference to proportion is the indication that the setting is in triple time. The music is composed in four voices, and appears to be original with music that seems very well crafted to fit the instrument. The melody is in the lowest voice, but traverses a full octave, with melodic characteristics of a polyphonic bass, especially the several descending fifth leaps to the final. The origin of the text has not been established.

Song Text

Sea, quando recordares,
Lo que pensares primero:
Que esse día es el postrero.

«Estas dos coplas se tornarán a tañer como la primera.»

Quien se quisiere salvar
Le conviene no bivir
Como no querría morir.

Nadie biva descuydado,
Que el morir es lo más cierto
Y el quándo lo más incierto.

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