
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Corten espadas afiladas [Cepeda?]


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 22v


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Source title Soneto a manera de ensalada, contrahecho al de Cepeda. Segundo grado.
Title in contents   Soneto a manera de ensalada, corten espadas afiladas lenguas malas en el segundo grado.
Text incipit Corte[n] espadas afiladas


Category intabulation

Genre ensalada

Fantasia type

Mode 5

Voices 4

Length (compases) 113


Tuning G

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/7

Lowest VI/0

Difficulty medium

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


Intabulation of a four-voiced polyphonic work, attributed by Valderrábano to Cepeda, closely related to the anonymous cersion in the Cancionero de Medinaceli. More specifically, Valderrábano describes it as “Soneto in the manner of an ensalada, imitating the one by Cepeda.” Pujol’s transcription is as “Soneto III”. Valderrábano’s text resembles a villancico with its repeated refrain. The polyphony is closely related to the Medinaceli version, perhaps the result of oral transmission, or from a considerably different version of the work.

Song Text

Corten espadas afiladas
Lenguas malas.
Mañana de San Francisco
Levantado me han un dicho
Que hablé con la niña virgo.
Lenguas malas
Corten espadas afiladas
Lenguas malas.
Liberame, Domine,
a labis iniquis
Et a lingua dolosa
Lenguas malas, lenguas malas
Corten espadas afiladas
Lenguas malas.

Let sharpened swords slash out
evil tongues.
On the morning of St Francis,
I awakened to a rumour.
That I spoke with the virgin girl
Evil tongues
Let harpened swords slash out
evil tongues.
Free me, Lord,
from their iniquitous lips
and from their painful words that abound
Evil tongues
Let harpened swords slash out
evil tongues.

Modern edition(s)

Querol Gavaldá, Miguel (ed). Cancionero Musical de la Casa de Medinaceli. 2 vols. Monumentos de la Música Española 8 & 9. Barcelona: CSIC, 1949.

Printed source(s)

E-Mb 6829 (861), Cancionero de Medinaceli, [olim: MS 13230]