
Enríquez de Valderrábano

Uccelino, bel uccelino


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 21v


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Source title Aqui se siguen dos sonetos.
Title in contents   Villancico auchelina primero grado.
Text incipit auchelina vel auchelina


Category song

Genre Madrigal

Fantasia type

Mode 2

Voices 3

Length (compases) 58


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/6

Lowest VI/1

Difficulty easy

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language IT

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


This song is a setting either by Valderrábano or another unknown arranger of Italian the text “Uccelino, bel uccelino”, a barzelletta text otherwise known through a setting by Marchetto Cara, first identified by Torrefranca (1939) and discussed by Ward (ward1953, 191-192), and pujol1965). In the Pujol edition it is “Soneto 1”. Valderrábano;s text is based on the refrain of the text set by Cara “Ucelin, bel ucelino, / Come sa tu ben cantar?...” and Ward speculates that it was probably a popular tune. Torrefranca presents the melodfy of both the Valderrábano version and the Cara version (reprinted below) and it is clear that there is no melodic resemblance. Pujol describes Valderrábano’s music as “three voice counterpoint, woven with agile imitation above the tenor, festoon the expressive melodic line and the and the broken twists of syllabic solmization that underpins the sonnet, of grace and freshness.”

Song Text

Auchelina vel auchelina.
tu q[ue] say del bel cantar?
falalunfela falalunfela
falalunfela falalunfela

que novela me say tu dire
del campo de lo español
falalion falalelunfafa.
falale lun fa.

The text from the Marco Cara version (taken here is taken from the edition by William Prizer (prizer1980-2):
1. Mentre io vo per questi boschi, / Sospirando il mio bel sole / Et di duri amari toschi, / Formo crude aspre parole; / Spesso dir la lingua fole / Tu che segui el mio camino: [Refrain:] Ucelin, bel ucelino, / Come sa tu ben cantar? / Falalilo falilola / Falilolale falilolalilale.
2. Liete fai gli arbori et fronde / Con li toi soavi canti, / Et tua amica a te risponde / Onde nizio parchè ti vanti, / Faccio sol amari pianti, / Nè alcun m’ode o fier destino. / Ucelin…
3. Empi l’aer d’ogni intorno / Col tuo dolce canto tale, / Onde parchè nott’e giorno / Si ralegri agn’animale; / A me il dol sol cresce e el male / Da l’un l’altro mattinuto / Ucelin…
4. Parché rida primavera, / Uccelin ovunque passi; / Parche’l tascho ogn’aspra sera, / La tuo canto in tutto lassi; / Più cruda ella ch’amo fassi, / Quanto più me gli avicino. / Ucelin…..
5. Ben a te, ben si convene, / Ucelin il dolce canto, / Et a me ch’io son in pene / L’angoscioso e amaro pianto, / Onde io son condotto a tanto; / Chi chi mor mi par divino, / Ucelin….

Modern edition(s)
Printed source(s)