
Enríquez de Valderrábano

De hacer lo que juré


Silva de sirenas (1547), fol. 21v


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Source title Aqui se sigue[n] vnos proberuios de nueua ma[n]era, tañersea[n] algo apriesa, y adelante ay otros por otro tono. Segundo grado.
Title in contents   Proverbio de hazer lo que jure en el segundo grado.
Text incipit de hazer lo que iure


Category song

Genre Proverbio

Fantasia type

Mode 2

Voices 3

Length (compases) 40


Tuning A

Courses 6

Final IV/0

Highest I/5

Lowest V/0

Difficulty medium

Tempo medium

Song Text

Language ES

Vocal notation texted cifras rojas


A song by Valderrábano. The rubric indicates “Here follow some proverbs in a new manner. They should be played quite fast. And afterwards there are others in another mode.” The setting is based on three- voice imitation in the first two phrases, and sporadically in some of the subsequent ones. It is high;y individual in style, setting texts of considerable irony. Three stanzas of text are set to the same music, each concluding with the Latin refrain “Liberanos Domine” which Pujol points out to be an ironic conclusion to each of the texts which he describes as having a “sententious and picaresque tone.” He observes that “there is no better reflection of categorical promise than the melody of the first four verses, and no finer irony than that of the refrain that finishes them off. .” (pujol1965, I, 43-44). The usical structure may be described as a-a-b-c-D-D.

Song Text

De hazer lo que juré,
Que jamás no lo haría,
Quando jurando dezía:
Dest' agua no beveré,
«Libera nos, Domine».

Del trabajo que no alabo,
Que es peccar sin correptión,
Que, pues lleva a perdición,
Es mal parto y hija al cabo,
«Libera nos, Domine».

Del que medra con engaños,
Del que llora quando llueve,
Del que huye quando deve
y del moco de ochenta años,
«Libera nos Domine».

From doing what I swore
I would never do,
When I swore
I would not drink this water,
"Deliver us, O Lord"

From work that I do not praise,
Which is sin without correction,
Which, because it leads to perdition,
Is a bad birth and a daughter in the end,
"Deliver us, O Lord"

From the one who profits by deceit,
From the one who weeps when it rains,
From the one who flees when he should,
And from the boy of eighty years,
"Deliver us, O Lord".

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