Source title | Quarta en vazio se señala la claue de fefaut, la boz colorada q[ue] se a de ca[n]tar y tañer es contrabaxo. Tercero grado. |
Title in contents | Antequam comedam en el tercero grado a cinco. Vicencio ruffo. |
Text incipit | Antequam comediam. |
Category intabulation
Genre motet
Fantasia type
Mode 1
Voices 5
Length (compases) 164
Tuning G
Courses 6
Final V/7
Highest I/8
Lowest VI/3
Difficulty difficult
Tempo slow
Language LA
Vocal notation texted cifras rojas
Intabulation of a five-voice motet by Vincenzo Ruffo published in Milan in 1542, quite close to the date of publication of Silva de sirenas. The text is biblical: Job 3:24-26, and used as a Responsory at Matins on the 17th Sunday after Pentecost. It was set by many composers.
Antequam comedam suspiro,
et tanquam inundantes aquæ
sic rugitus meus:
quia timor,
quem timebam,
evenit mihi
et quod verebar
accidit mihi.
Nonne dissimulavi?
nonne silui?
nonne quievi?
Et venit super me
For sighing has become my daily food;
my groans pour
out like water.
The fear
that I feared
has come upon me;
What I I dreaded
has happened to me.
I have no peace,
no quietness;
I have no rest,
but only turmoil.
Ruffo, Vincenzo, Il primo libro de motetti a cinque voci. Milan, 1542. Ed. Richard Sherr. New York : Garland, 1987.
Ruffo, Vincenzo, Il primo libro de motetti a cinque voci. Milan: Castelione, 1542.